The Richman - The Jerk

It was time for dinner and we were busy setting the table, as if a couple were going to have a romantic dinner for the two of them. The dining table set is complete with candles, flowers and various menus that are ready to shake the tongue, but it seems that this table is set for eight people.

"Mrs. Nourah, why are so many plates prepared?" Somehow I feel very curious.

"Em ... you'll find out later." Her smile. From the first time I met this woman until now, this is the first time I feel like she has really turned into a friendly happy woman.

When everything was ready, we are, workers in this house sat down at the same large table to enjoy dinner with the owner of the house. This was so surprising, because it was rare for a boss to sit down with his worker to have dinner together in the same table.

While we waited, Mrs. Nourah went up to the second floor. A few moments later she came down and soon she was again followed by two men who were both handsome but very different from any angle. As if their good looks are incomparable but they are truly handsome in their respective versions.

Richman or Richard Anthony is obviously very handsome in his formal style while his younger brother is handsome in a more casual style. A shirt with rolled sleeves that shows tattoos in several places. His hair was left a little longer than Richard's but they somehow managed to have an equally cute smile.

"Good evening everyone. It's great because tonight we are here together for the dinner. This is a tradition that has been passed down through generations and we want this tradition to continue." He said.

All were silent listening to his speech. "It's even more special because we have guests, my brother, Brandon Anthony." He turned his head towards the man sitting next to his right.

"Thanks bro." The man next to him smiled succinctly. "I don't visit very often, but I've seen several of you, except for one." The hairy man said, if I remember correctly, his name was Brandon. Richard glanced at me and I just managed to meet his gaze through my lashes. Richard cleared his throat before introducing me. " She is Christabell, she works here."

"Sorry, if I'm presumptuous. But I can't say no to compliment you, because you're so cute Christabell. I'm Brandon Anthony by the way." The flirtatious man introduced himself , and I just smile when he looks at me. I don't know what to do out of courtesy other than smiling.

Everyone started to take the food they liked onto their plates, and started eating. I had a chance to look at Richard, he looked not in the mood. When our gazes met, the way he looked at me I can't describe it. His gaze was cold, dark, as if he didn't want to see me there, but behind it all I saw unhappiness and anxiety. What's with that handsome guy? What worries him? Everyone at this table looks happy, why wouldn't he?

Amid the questions that kept echoing in my head, I tried to look normal. I took two tablespoons of sauteed meat and vegetables onto a plate and started eating. Somehow my favorite food was suddenly unable to enjoy, not because it was not delicious, but because Richard looked at me once again with that look. Great anxiety showed in the glint in his eyes. What's up, big man? I wish I could go to him and ask him directly. But unfortunately, all I can do is keep it in my heart.

Another thought confused me. Somehow I felt, from the way Richard introduced me to Brandon, he wanted to show that I was just an ordinary worker in this house, just like everyone else. Why did he say that? My confidence suddenly plummeted, maybe I shouldn't think of myself as being special to Richard anymore. Without the glamorous clothes and jewelery and lights at the Ritz, I am nothing.

I thought that Brandon's compliments on me were displeasing to Richard. Did Richard think that Brandon's little compliment was too much for an ordinary girl like me? Or is it because I'm just a servant in this house that I don't deserve that praise. Or worse than all, Richard began to regret his one million dollars, which he had already wasted on someone who was actually worthless like me.

A million dollars for a man like him is nothing big. But for me, I can pay for my entire life with that money. I am totally confused by this situation, Richard the mysterious man I could never figure out his way of thinking, and it frustrates me.

"Christabell... Your food will be mad if you just stir it up like that." Mrs. said Nourah surprised me, it turned out that I had not brought a bite into my mouth.

"Sorry." I realized and put a spoonful into my mouth then I chewed.

The atmosphere was quiet except for Brandon who kept on babbling telling various jokes to Mrs. Nourah, who was enthusiastic about listening to him, she occasionally chimed in and Brandon became even more enthusiastic.

I glanced at Richard, and unfortunately he realized I was stealing glances at him. He looks at me coldly, and I drop my gaze onto the table. What's wrong with him? Why is he looking at me like that?

"Christabell, how did you end up getting lost in this mansion with my brother that as cold as ice?" Brandon asked suddenly, making me almost choke, and Mrs. Nourah didn't seem to like the incident. And somehow Richard held out his glass in front of me, because our seats were close together.

"Watch Out." He said briefly while looking at me worriedly and the sight caught the attention of all the eyes surrounding the table.

"Thank you sir." I took my own glass then took a sip.

"I think we should talk after we finish eating." Brandon corrected, and I nodded.

After the incident, Richard finished eating and immediately got up from his seat. "I'll be in my room, if you need me." He said to Brandon.

"You want me to bring you coffee sir?" I asked quickly. All that was in my head at that time was my desire to meet him and talk privately with him, what was wrong with me and what made him look at me like that. But it seems that my reaction is considered excessive by everyone sitting at the dining table, they are looking at me with strange looks.

"I just ate so there's no rush." He said while looking at me and I nodded. Richard left the dining table while I saw Brandon chuckling, he seemed to be laughing at me "Yes, my brother is very disciplined with hisself. So you don't need to think too much about him, Christabell." Joked Brandon. "You'll actually have plenty of time to chat with me, because he doesn't want to be bothered when he's busy making love with his job."

"Yes sir." I nodded again, and couldn't resist it was excruciating. If my position should be better than that of a housemaid, I could have more bargaining power to have the right to refuse the man's invitation, but I'm just a servant who has to say yes to whatever my employer says. After all, I was paid very dearly by her brother to have a free life as a human.

A few moments later everyone finished with their meal and left the dining room. Mrs. Nourah and I were left to clean up the dining room.