The Richman - Handsome Guardian

I was tidying up leftovers when Brandon came and sat at the edge of the table with a glass of wine in his hand.

"Hi." He said say hello.

"Hi." I answered briefly.

"How did you meet my brother?"

"Em,.. Excuse me?" I turned towards him, slightly questioning the meaning of his question.

"As far as I know my brother is not a man who easily gives space to the young women in this house." He said long, and I gasped at the words. I don't see any young women in this house. All are men, and if there are women, it is Mrs. Nourah who is no longer considered young.

Starting from the kitchen, the chef is two men, one middle-aged and one half the age of the main chef. Then Luciano the gardener, Pablo the driver, and Mrs. Nourah, the only one who is young and female is me.

"Oh ... I suppose human minds can change sir." I diverted our conversation and made his brain think of nonsensical thoughts. He laughed, then shook his head. "You don't know my brother." He said.

"He is as hard as a rock, and no one can ever change his mind. The principle is a fixed price he will never break himself. You must know that, young lady."

Your brother helped me. And I know he is a good person, regardless of any principles of his life that I never knew." I answered, I really wanted to argue harshly, but I knew he was my boss's brother, so I said it with a gentle tone.

He smiled, then got up from his seat and approached me, "You look like a good girl, I hope my brother doesn't spoil you by making you a new toy for him. He has some old toys that he never plays anymore. He won't play with the same toys over and over again. Young lady, I let you know that He likes to replace old toys with new ones. Always be like that "He said jokingly, but I didn't like the way he joked.

"What do you mean?" I returned to question the meaning of his words.

"My brother doesn't like, or rather he doesn't believe in a marriage relationship. So if he asks you to sleep with him, don't ever expect that you will become husband and wife. You're too naive to think like that." Brandon chuckled, "He's a nice guy, but he's nice not only to you. And if he saved you, he's done it to other young girls before you. But like I said, for my older brother, you won't be around forever. He likes to replace old young women with new ones, don't expect more. " He comes up to me and whispers behind my ear, and it makes me growl, but I try to hold back.

"Thank you for your kindness in telling me about that. But sorry, about my personal life, you shouldn't be your concern." I'm a little annoyed with this guy, maybe he's nice or something, but I don't like the way he interferes in my business like this.

"I hope you don't take offense at my words." She stuck her hand into her trouser pocket, "I was just trying to warn you, and I did it for your good. I told the truth about my brother."

"Thank you." I glanced at him then took the dirty dishes to the sink, Mrs. Nourah left me after the flirtatious Brandon came and talked to me. I don't know what the old woman was thinking, why did she leave me together in this bastard.

When I was busy washing dishes, I felt someone coming and pinching me from behind. He brought the hardened part of his cock under the pants he was wearing to my butt and touched my shoulder with his two hands, he even sniffed my neck with the bridge of his nose, and I was shocked to drop the plate in my hand and make a loud noise.

"Sir !!" I hissed angrily, hoping that he would realize that his treatment of me made me very angry, but it didn't. The man actually turned my body and cornered me towards the sink, then kissed me forcefully. I was disgusted by all his attitudes, with all my efforts to defend myself, because it was useless struggling, this man's muscles were too strong to grip me and his lips crushed mine so that I found it very difficult to even just breathe.

My right hand found an object, I think a bottle of maple syrup and I used it to hit his head until he screamed hysterically. Her head was hurt but she kept holding me hard, making me unable to go.

"AAAAAAhhhh !!!! BITCH !!" She says harshly, she pulls my clothes torn and still doesn't let me go.

I kept trying to struggle and free myself but without a sound, because I was afraid that this incident would destroy all the moral norms in this house, as well as the relationship between brothers and sisters which was very harmonious.

My tears are falling, my heart is breaking apart, is it possible that I will end up as a rape victim? Her hand squeezes my breasts very roughly, twisting the ends hoping I get aroused when it hurts me.

I tried to push Brandon away but couldn't, until finally I surrendered and prayed in my heart that someone would come and save me, because right now my hand was gripped and locked with one hand while his lips pressed mine to accept the kiss, while one free hand was in the middle. exploring all over my body that he can touch.

Until finally she pulled my clothes up and for God's sake where is everyone ?! The two chefs had returned to the pavilion, perhaps Mrs. Nourah, and leaving the three of us in this house. But Luciano was usually outside, on guard by the garden and occasionally going in for hot water or coffee, but why didn't he come this time.

"DAMN !!" I heard another voice swearing, and it was clear Richard.

"Keep your hands off!" Richard shouted and his brother immediately raised their hands, as if he was being held up by a gun, and I could only slump to the floor and cry. I hugged myself, not wanting to see the brothers fight in front of my face because I was devastated by this incident.

As a prostitute of course this kind of violence can happen, but somehow I feel arrogant by considering myself honorable enough to be forced like this.

"Pack your bags and get out of this house right now!" Richard said with a very angry face, I could only watch it all through my lashes. I didn't see them scuffling, I just saw Richard pointing a gun at Brandon and the burly man immediately left us.

Richard snorted in annoyance, he put the gun on the table and looked at me. Without speaking he held out his hand to me and I didn't want to greet him. My body was too dirty for her to touch, and somehow I felt very unworthy of being in that place anymore.

"It's my fault, you shouldn't throw Mr. Brandon out of the house. I'm the one who left this place sir." I beg you after Brandon leaves the house and passes through the living room which is quite visible from where we are. I think Richard is mad at me because maybe he thinks I'm flirting with his little brother. Suddenly he hit the table, making me gasp.

"Are you so weak that you can't defend yourself ?!" He asked angrily and I could only bow.

"What if it was another man and I weren't there ?!" He snapped again.

"What if that happens and I can't save you ?!" Again he screamed, but the house was too big so that people outside would not be able to hear what was going on inside the house.

"Say, are you that weak ?!"

My throat was dry, I was terrified by the face of Richard's anger"Yes..." I nodded with a soft voice and a flood of tears. Richard took a deep breath, then exhaled roughly. He really couldn't control himself. In the midst of my tears she pulled me up and hugged me. "

"Why do you have to be attractive in my younger brother's eyes?" He whispered softly.

"I don't know and I never intended to tease anyone, sir." I regretted it in a low voice.

"What should I do with you?" he said irritatedly. He looks angry with me, cursed with his brother and he is angry because I was so weak.

"I'm sorry." I whisper weakly, dare not look at him.

He saw my bruised hand from Brandon's grip, my tattered clothes and messy hair. His eyes returned to those of the dinner table. Dark, worried, is this what he's worried about? What has he been worried about since morning happening tonight to me?

"I said, don't get hurt in front of me." He whispered softly and pulled me in his arms. My tears flooded when I felt the warmth of that hug. I can't imagine what would happen to me if Richard didn't come to save me. The only one I had, I promised him I wouldn't be able to give him if Brandon had taken him away from me.