The Richman - Desire or Jealousy

The night was getting late, Brandon's departure did not have a big impact in this house. Richard still works in his room and I go back to the kitchen to continue my work, of course, after changing my clothes, because the clothes I was wearing were torn apart by Brandon in the incident.

For a few moments I was silent, feeling low and disgusted every time I remembered how Brandong touched me. I can't imagine what it would be like if a masher did it and managed to fuck me while I was at the Ritz. The feel will probably be much more terrible.

But I can not be disappointed for a long time, because my last job tonight is still waiting. I took the coffee cup and poured the coffee from the coffee maker. A cup of coffee that will accompany my hero tonight, working in his office until it is very late. Even though it must be awkward to see him again after the bad thing that happened to me because of his brother Brandon, but I had to do it.

I knocked on the door that was half open and heard the answer "Come in."

I stepped into the room with a bowed face. I didn't even dare look at Richard because I felt so bad right now. He stood in front of me and greeted me, "Hey, are you okay?" He asked softly.

"Yes. I've come to deliver coffee for you, sir."

"Thank you." He said approached me then took the coffee cup from my hand.

"Excuse me." I said and immediately turned around, but he took my hand.

"Are you really all right?" He asked and it was like tearing apart my whole consciousness remembering the incident earlier. I tried to smile even though I felt bitter, "Just a little traumatized." I answered.

"If you're afraid to sleep in your own room, you can sleep in mine tonight." He said.

"What do you mean, sir?" I looked up at him and asked softly.

Richard corrected his expression and immediately explained the meaning of his sentence, "I just thought you would be more comfortable if someone else accompanied you to sleep. Don't think nonsense."

"I'm fine sir, I'll still sleep in my room." I smiled briefly, and he shrugged his shoulders. "Ok, if that's what you want." The answer.

I lowered my head and excused myself, "Excuse me sir." then walked out of the room with a heavy sigh. I returned to my room to sleep. The night will be very long for me, because the image of Brandon's fierce face seems to inhabit the whole realm of my consciousness.

I washed my face and changed my clothes then got into bed to sleep. But sure enough, I couldn't close my eyes, because every time I closed my eyes, the image of Brandon's face would be more clearly visible.

"Oh..." I squeeze my face. What happened to me, at the age of only twenty years I had to experience many bad things in my life including almost being a victim of rape by my employer's own half brother. Before that, I even sold myself as a prostitute, even though in the end Richard saved me and my virginity. Then the accident that nearly took my life. So many bad things that I can't bear it anymore.

Safeguarding my virginity for the million dollars Richard paid and all the effort he's put in to keep me up to this point makes it such a huge burden that I feel hanging over my shoulders now. If only Richard had taken my virginity as compensation for all he gave me, perhaps this burden would take off my shoulders.

Suddenly I thought, stupid thoughts that haunt me right now. As if someone was talking to me, even though I knew it was myself, "He already offered you that opportunity, then what are you waiting for?" She whispered.

"Don't embarrass yourself. You've been dirty and lowly enough since you two got to know each other. Don't make your image worse in his eyes." Another whisper came to me.

The struggle lasted a few minutes until finally the evil one won and I walked out of my room as if someone else was controlling my mind besides myself. I walked over and quickly opened the door to Richard's study, making him gasp at me but that didn't stop me.

I walked straight to his desk and when Richard turned his work chair I immediately sat on his lap. My body can no longer control my mind. I pulled the shirt he was wearing and unbuttoned it quickly, somehow Richard did not flinch at all of it, he did not move at all. And after all the buttons on his shirt open I immediately put my hand behind the nape of his neck and kissed him passionately.

Richard doesn't refuse, he doesn't kiss me back either but I don't care about all that, all I care about is one, I can get him for myself, I can have Richard for me tonight and feel himself inside me like I did in my dream some time ago.

"Fuck me please." My sigh in his ear.

"Are you drunk?" He asked.

"No!" My shackles are fast.

"Fuck me Rich..." I kissed him again and for some reason Richar finally kissed me back, he even put his hands under my nightgown and played with my breasts which were not beautiful enough for me to be proud of.

"Fuck me Rich..." I kissed him again and for some reason Richar finally kissed me back, he even put his hands under my nightgown and played with my breasts which were not beautiful enough for me to be proud of.

"Oh .... !!!" I flinched and Rich repeated hitting again, even though at first I felt his punch hurt me, but apparently I enjoyed the way he hurt me.

"For your mischief tonight, punishment for foul play teases me." Muttered Richard, looking at me deeply.

"I was almost crazy waiting for you to do it." I whispered and I ended with a smile. Rich lowered my underwear with his hands then followed my long legs with his forefinger to the groin, making me curl and wriggle undirected as Rich played the part of my clit.

"Oh shit !!!" I muttered to myself, I'm really crazy I think. Richard knows very well how to give pleasure to women. As her fingers continue to play down there, her lips kiss me briefly then come down and play the tips of my breasts mischievously.

"Ah" I groaned with pleasure, "Will you do it now, sir? Please." I begged him, but Richard was not a man who would be merciful, I see. " I begged him, but Richard was not a man who would be merciful, I see.

"Say it louder" He said. "Please.. Please.. Please." I said amidst the incomparable pleasure sensation.

"Now say it sweeter." He said.

"Anthony, please give it to me." I whispered softly, my face heated up, I think I was embarrassed when I said it while he was looking at me deeply.

With his hand Richard touched my groin and found myself wet enough. I saw him look at his two fingers and smile. "You're ready now." he said before he unbuttoned his trousers and pulled out a part of him that was already very tough and ready to hit and tear me apart. Whether without counting he plunged it into me and I screamed, losing my mind even further.

"Ah ... ... !!!" I shouted loudly, squeezing Richard's butt that was reached by me.

"Emphhh ... ... Emphhh ... Emph ... Emph ... ..." Richard kept hitting me mercilessly. I continued to writhe in pleasure that only I knew how it tasted and I couldn't clearly describe it.

"Ehhhhh ... Ehhhhh ..." Richard let go of himself and then fell into his work chair. I rose doubtfully, is it just like this the end. Antiklimask? Slowly I got up and looked at Rich, apparently this was not the end of the pleasure, Rich asked me to get on his lap, right where he was still standing straight to challenge me.

I hesitantly approached then sat on top of him, feeling him slowly enter me again. Rich grabbed my face then chewed my lips for a few moments. "Move." His hissed and I was confused how to move the way he wanted.

"Like this?" I shook my ass and Rich smiled.

"Like this." He grabbed my waist and made me move up and down.

"Oh shit... !!! That's so good." I said in the middle of my breath that was chasing again because it moved so dynamically, it turned out to give a different sensation even with the same pleasure.

"Ah... Uhh... Uuhhhh.. Emphhh..." My hiss is full of passion.

"Richard... Rich.... Rich... Emphhh....."

"Oh..." Rich lowered me from his lap then pushed me onto his table with a prone position, he thrust me from behind and I felt another pleasure. Even though it's not as loud and climatic as before but I'm still trying to enjoy it. And after a few movements Rich helped me wake up then lifted myself onto the sofa and lay me down. We made love in the missionary way and it turned out that it was the most enjoyable of all the positions.

Rich held on for a while being in control, but then he pulled himself back and asked me to take control. I sat on top of her like a cowgirl on horseback. I find myself very challenging. My breasts were perfectly exposed in front of Richard, I even had time to toss my hair while continuing to move back and forth. Feeling moving like riding a horse and when I found myself, somewhere in a corner in there seemed to be sparked and gave immense pleasure.

"Ah ... ah ... ah ..." I squirmed, arching backwards.

"Uh... Uh... I come ... oh I'm coming."

"Ah...." I collapsed on top of Richard. "Sorry." I said limply.

"Let me finish." He said and reversed my position as I nodded. He stabs me harshly and fast, faster, faster until he finds pleasure in himself.

"Ah...." She found her release and I felt something twitch inside of me several times.

"Shit...." He immediately withdrew and panicked. We just realized that he wasn't wearing a condom when we hooked up because we didn't plan on it.

"Sorry..." Richard suddenly became very paranoid by his carelessness just now.

"Hey ... it's ok." I said comforting him.

"I don't want you to get pregnant."

"I won't get pregnant with just one touch." I said reassuring her by holding her face.

Somehow I saw that man was so worried, even the glint of passion in his eyes suddenly faded into fear. "I'll have the doctor come to save this situation." He said in panic.

"Mr. Anthony." I whispered his name, trying to rub it lightly to comfort him. Richard had no idea how good it was for me and how good it was for me. It feels like my one million dollar debt has been paid off tonight. And I didn't want Richard to feel like a bad thing, because what just happened was amazing.

He looks at me deeply and I smile at him, "I'm not ready to be a father." He said.

I wiped his face boldly, somehow I did it, but I felt that the intimacy that happened between us was not only physical, but also emotional. "I will not sue you for any consequences that will happen in the future." My promise. Richard peeled his head, he let out a rough breath.

"I shouldn't have lost control." He was still busy blaming himself.

"Mr. Anthony,... Everything will be all right." I said trying to reassure him and we ended up hugging naked and for some reason there was no more awkwardness between us.

"I'm not going to do that stupid thing again." He said while his hand continued to gently rub my arm.

"So you won't fuck me again?" I asked with a gaze.

"That is not what I mean." the denial was quick, and it made me smile.

"So?" I played my hand on his chin.

"I won't let myself lose control again next time." He said while looking at me deeply.

"Is there another time?" I whisper embarrassed.

"Of course." The answer is sure and I smile.