The Richman - Camping Part II

Apart from Ms. Emily and Mr. Oswald, join the camp, Mr. Robin and Mr. Morgan also Ms. Catherine also join. The three of them followed by car because the bus had insufficient capacity. When the three of them arrived and joined the camp, Mss Emily and Mr. Oswald, and the children scattered to look for firewood.

Betty of course chose to stick with Adrianna. "I'll go with you," Betty said.

"Okay." Nod Adrianna.

They broke through the forest and started looking for branches to make a bonfire just like everyone else. Nora and her gang chose to disobey and hide at the place around camp while enjoying their chat about trendy luxury goods and shopping plans after camp.

Adrianna and Betty gathered the small branches and carried them in their hands as they continued to walk into the forest. It did get darker, but as they went deeper they could find more branches, and they both got more excited.