The Richman - Camping (part III)

Javier and Adrianna make it back to Camp. As soon as he came with Adrianna in his arms, everyone who was waiting anxiously rushed over to them. Nora and her uncaring group suddenly became concerned, of course with the aim of getting Javier Walton's attention.

"Javier, are you all right?" Nora asked concernedly. It was clear that Nora had a crush on Jave but Javier didn't care. He seemed to ignore Nora until the girl stomped her foot in annoyance. Meanwhile, Javier left and went straight to the teachers while carrying Adrianna on his back.

Ms. Emily looked so concerned. "Oh dear, how did you get lost?" she asked.

"Em... I . . ." Adrianna seems confused about how to explain. 

"We saw the huge snake in the forest when we collect the branch," Betty said fast. 

Adrianna nodded, "Yes. Then we run fast but I didn't realize that we were apart." Adrianna explained.