The Richman - Second Honeymoon

The day after Aldric left for Japan, Adrianna was forced to return to her apartment, because for her, being there was more comfortable than if she had to live in Aldric's apartment alone.  And this morning she woke up as usual and got ready for her office. Without Aldric, her breakfast is very simple, she just baked a piece of bread and also brewed coffee.

While enjoyed her breakfast, she took her smartphone and send Aldric a short message. "Good morning Mr. Bloom." She greeted her husband on text.

"Good morning Mrs. Bloom," Aldric replied in a second.

"How was your night Mr. Bloom?" Adrianna wrote in her short message.

"I couldn't sleep well," Aldric replied.

"Didn't you stay at the best hotel there?" Asked Adrianna.

"Yes, but I wish you were here," Aldric replied.