The Richman - Sakirawa Go

Staying in five-star hotels with super luxurious facilities is common for Aldric and also Adrianna, who since childhood was born into a wealthy family. And to make something even more special, Aldric decided to take Adrianna on vacation in a village called Shirakawa Go, a tourist destination that carries Japanese rural culture with traditional houses that are more than 250 years old. The houses have a distinctive shape so that it gives its own uniqueness when staying in one of the houses for a few days.

After completing his business affairs and extending his stay in Japan. Aldric decided to take his wife for a walk in a different atmosphere. The choice is rural scenery that is still very beautiful and natural.

"What do you think?" Aldric asked as soon as they arrived at their destination.

Adrianna smiled as she spread her eyes around, "How did you find a place as beautiful as this?" Ask Adrian.