The Richman - Forgiveness

By dusk, Aldric was still in the hospital, although several times he came into the room and tried to blend in when Adrianna was chatted with her in-laws. But Adrianna seemed to ignore him. Now Jolene is getting ready to go home after a long day accompanying her daughter-in-law in the treatment room. Jolene walked out of the room and walked over to Aldric.

"Are you guys fighting?" Jolene asked her son, and Aldric raised his eyebrows. "Just missedunderstanding," Nodded him.

"You flirt with another woman?" Jolene's brows furrowed at her son.

"Of course not, I'll never do that stupid things. I love her very much." Aldric's jaws tightened, and it made his mother sigh deeply.

"Don't act stupid or you'll lose it all." Jollene said while giving her son a short hug before walking down the hall to leave his son.