The Richman - Brooken Heart

-New York-

Today Adrianna purposely goes to her new house which is being built by a naughty architect who is trying to seduce her husband, Alexandra Cameroon. Last night Adrianna spoke with Aldric, and they agreed about all house matters would be Adrianna's responsibility because she didn't want the woman to have access to contact her husband or vice versa.

"Honey, . . ." Adrianna was clinging to Aldric's arms, this was recently repeated after the first trimester of pregnancy which was quite torturous because of the hormonal adjustment phase that even made Adrianna dislike being close to her husband.

"Yep," Aldric replied.

Adrianna looked up at her husband and Aldric looked back at her, "You want to eat something?" Aldric asked, Adrianna, shook her head. "It's not about food, my stomach is already full," Adrianna replied.