The Richman - Regret

The nurse pushed Adrianna out of the Emergency Unit room to be taken to the operating room. There will be a curettage to clean her uterus because the baby she is carrying can no longer survive.

Adrianna's eyes filled with tears.

Aldric continued to hold his wife's hand, while he could no longer hide the sadness from his eyes. "Hold on, everything will be fine," Aldric whispered.

Meanwhile, Adrianna continued to say, "My baby . . . my baby . . . I'm sorry my baby . . . Forgive me my baby . . ." Sadness mixed with regret welled up in her chest.

Adrianna's bed was pushed into the operating room. Aldric should stop his step there and let Adrianna and the doctor team go in.  During the curettage operation, Aldric could not accompany her.

Adrianna was given general anesthesia prior to the operation. For the first time in about an hour, she was able to relax under anesthesia while the team of doctors did their job to clean Adrianna's womb.