The Richman - Miss Understanding

Old man Paul Wisley was finally home after a long day at Mr. Ranch's farm. Harry. He drives his own old truck and walks the same roads for years. But this time there was something different from the usual days. Paul's thoughts were on his daughter Leah and the young man who had come from the big city, New York.

As a father, Paul realized that sooner or later a young man would take his daughter from him. Although all this time, Leah had not lived with him, for Paul Wisley, Leah was still his little princess. In the heart of a father, there is always a feeling of unpreparedness when a young man approaches their daughter.

The biggest worry of a father is if one day his daughter is abandoned by the man who took her heart. If that happens, then the one who will feel the pain the most is a father's heart.