The Richman - I Want To Marry Your Daugter, Sir.

Knock Knock

Leah stood in her father's doorway, her feelings mixed between wanting to wake her father up so that Ben would have a chance to explain all of his good intentions. But on the other hand, she was also afraid that Paul, her father, would get mad at Ben and kick him out instead.

Paul who heard a knock on his bedroom door, immediately got up from where he was lying waiting for the arrival of the impudent young man. He stepped towards the door, his anger suddenly gone when he saw his daughter standing in the doorway.

"Dad." Leah looked at her father when Paul open the door.

Paul tried to hide his mercy to his daughter, he know that he should take a serious step toward that young man, because it's all about his daughter's future life. "Is he coming?" Paul asked with a low voice and his expresion still as straight as before.

Leah took her father hand's, asked for mercy, "Please, don't blame him." Whispered Leah with teary eyes.