Chapter 1

The sky was pouring outside, the sun shyly hid behind the grey clouds. Although it was raining, it was peaceful inside the mansion. I approached my father while he was busy looking over the documents with his eyebrows knitted together.

"Good morning Father. I've come to ask for something."

"Yes, sweetheart?" He looked up with a warm gaze even though his deep indigo eyes can make a grown man freeze. Even at his olden age, my father can steal the hearts of maidens, his features were handsome as ever and his ash gray hair was neatly styled

"During my morning stroll, I found a puppy near the mansion, and..." I paused trying to think of a word that won't make him mad, "I want to take it home?"

He narrowed his eyes at the mention of the puppy. Our kind mostly never got along with them and the hatred grew when that incident happened. Hearing his daughter's words to take home a puppy was beyond logical reasoning. "Why do you want to take it home?"

I played with my dress and looked up with my pleading cute eyes. This trick always worked with my parents and everyone else in the residence. "Because... it's cute and I want a playmate. All the nobles that are around my age don't want me as their friend."

Who would want a daughter of the most powerful duke to be their playmate? They avoided me at all costs to lessen the chances of offending my father and it sucks. Being an only child also has its disadvantages like not experiencing childish fights with my own siblings and having no one to talk to whenever my parents were away.

"Hmm, I see."

Father was in a deep thought probably weighing the pros and cons of adopting a puppy into our household. I hoped he agrees because I'm starting to feel bored with being by myself in this huge mansion. The maids and manservants avoid my eyes whenever I pass by and they get extremely nervous if I talk to them.

"As long as Sir Rodrigo confirmed that the puppy is safe, you can keep it."

Sir Rodrigo was the Raven Knights' captain, my family's own military. He was strict with discipline and a complete clean freak. Great, another obstacle in getting that puppy nevertheless I was beyond happy to hear my father's approval. I will never be alone again!

"Also, inform your mother. We both know that she isn't a loving type when it comes to those things."

Mother was indeed unaccepting of those creatures. She doesn't really hate them that she wishes them death just annoyed because she sees them as 'uncivilized' but I hoped that she will also be carried away with my adorable act.

"Yes, Father. I will take my leave now." I bowed and silently left the room. This household strictly practices formality and it was deemed disrespectful if one's etiquette was forgotten. As my teacher taught me many times while we were at the capital, "The essence of good manners is to treat other people as you would wish to be treated yourself." I've heard that sentence a hundred times that it was already engraved in my mind and soul.

I immediately went to my mother's study. It was a few steps away from where my father was. There stood two knights on the side of the door. "I am here to see my Mother."

One knight bowed and announced my arrival and I was immediately granted permission to enter. I bowed and smiled sweetly at my mother, "Greetings Mother, I am here to request something of you."

My mother was a beauty when she was a maiden until now. Her silky ebony hair that women envy and her dark amber eyes that pierces anyone's soul that looked directly into them and whenever they glow they looked like rare gems found in the deepest mines. Both my parents were known to be the most beautiful couple in the Empire.

She put down her reading glasses and looked at me with a raised brow. "Yes? What is it? Do you wish for a new toy?"

I sometimes think that my dearest mother was capable of reading my mind and that thought makes me nervous. "It is like that but it is not?" She narrowed her eyes, just like what father did, "I found a puppy near the mansion and it is being kept at the dungeon. I wish to take it home and let it be my playmate."

I placed my hands behind my back and crossed my fingers. Please, please permit me to have it.

"I see, are you sure? You know those creatures' nature." She said with a hint of disgust in her eyes and tapped her fingers on the table. Mother really despises their rowdy behavior. Almost all of our kind wasn't a fan of unruly beings. We prefer to be organized and those creatures were far from having self-control of their "desires".

I nodded, "Yes, I am aware." I began my acting as I stared at my mother with pleading eyes.

"Well if you badly want it, it would be your seventh birthday gift. You only get one wish my dear daughter. Do not forget that as soon we return to the capital, that thing will be disposed of."

My birthday was months away and I haven't decided what gift I wanted so hearing my mother suggests it seemed to be a good idea. They always give me anything I want and I used to have plenty of gifts every birthday, but as my age progress, the leniency of granting my wishes has been getting tighter. They don't want me to be swallowed by greed and as I quote, "Cailina, You must learn how to be mindful of your spending. We, nobles must set an example to the citizens of our empire to not live frivolously." Mother never failed to lecture me whenever I got carried away with my shopping.

"I understand." I never really thought that taking that thing home with me to the capital, so I accepted without a heavy heart.

"Has your Father approved of this?"

"Yes. He did."

"Good, let Sir Rodrigo handle the puppy first and let the maids take care of it before handing it to you."

"Thank you for accepting my wish. I will now inform them." I bowed and run-walked to where Sir Rodrigo is. I informed my personal maid Ria, who's always following me, to take care of the essentials and call the doctor for my new puppy, she bowed and left me alone. This time of day, Sir Rodrigo was to be found at the barracks, training the new knights that the Emperor gifted when father successfully passed the peace treaty with the Elven Kingdom. The Emperor also granted us the privilege of managing the main trade routes leading to the Eleven Kingdom and when Father announced what the Emperor had said I saw sparkles in the eyes of both my parents.

Of course, they'll be glad because another source of income is added to our vaults, although we live in simplicity they never let an opportunity of expanding their influence wasted. The major businesses in the Empire were owned by our family. The Dukedom of Grandis was a well-known family, existing since the founding of the Empire, and before it became an Empire, my great- I lost track of how many great, grandfather was the one who helped the Vampyre Clan to flourish and climb the ranks. Our family has close relationships with the royals making it possible for me to be a candidate of being the fiancée of the Crown Prince yet I do not wish to be engaged with royalty, keeping up appearances is at the bottom of my list. I enjoy being behind the scenes of what they call "political maneuverings."

The Empire of Henosis consisted of the Lycaon Kingdom, the Naugrim Tribe, the Nymphē Kingdom, the Human Kingdom, and lastly us the Vampyre Clan. The most feared being in this land was us, although the Emperor has conquered these other beings, he didn't try to take away their culture. I must say the Emperor was a benevolent ruler when the other creatures begged him to let them keep their own "individuality". The one land that the Empire failed to conquer was the Elven Kingdom.

These creatures were the opposite of us while we drink the blood of living creatures thus taking their life force for us to live, they drink the grievances of souls who come to them in exchange for the false hope they give to the eyes of these poor souls. They are cunning and hide their disgusting selves behind a mask that was to be seen as graceful and full of goodwill. Both of our kind never got along since the beginning of time, but as Father said "The flow of the currents is changing. It is time to end this Cold War. Our children deserve to live in a world that is free of walled territories..." that was also what he said during the third annual diplomatic conference held at the Elven Kingdom which touched the Elven King and his wife.

Knowing my father's true nature and his desires, there is no way that the so-called "free of walled territories" was really his intentions. He just wants the extra income and influence he will gain if the Elven Kingdom opens its doors through trade and even though he is a bit crafty, I admire my father for that because it's what made us the most powerful dukedom in the Empire and I get to eat plenty of sweets.

I finally arrived at the barracks, with these little legs, walking around this residence is far from being a walk inside my room. I saw Sir Rodrigo sparring with one of the knights, his movements were like water that the knight who was opposing him admitted defeat when the sword was placed near his neck.

Pfft. Weak.

He noticed me as I approached him with a smile. "Good morning Lady Cailina." They all bowed at my presence.

"Good morning to you too. You may all rise."

"What is Lady Cailina's purpose here?"

"Father and Mother both agreed that I may adopt the puppy. Let's go to the dungeon that you may see if it's safe for me to keep."

We left the training grounds and headed towards the dungeon. Most dungeons in the Empire was unkempt and full of filth while our family's dungeon is free from disgusting odors because we have a clean freak captain, who uses the cleaning of the dungeon as punishment for knights and I may add, this underground dungeon was spacious enough to accommodate a small village.

I was feeling giddy as we arrived in front of the cell. The puppy perked its head up and began to growl at us. Poor puppy, it was the same size as me and its fur was pure black except for half of its face were painted with white fur. Its eyes were in the shade of blood just like a life force. It looked like it was bitten by a bigger beast and its blood stained the white part of its fur. It was also muddy and has a foul smell.

Sir Rodrigo opened the cell and closely examined the puppy. His deep emerald eyes glowed making them more vibrant. Each vampire has been given a gift when they were born. The gift will only manifest itself when the newborn was presented to the Temple. All gifts were placed within their eyes or auras. Sir Rodrigo's gift was examination or that was what he calls it. The gift of individual vampires was never the same, meaning no one can understand their gift other than themselves.

The puppy whimpered at the sight of Sir Rodrigo, children that aren't used to those intimidating eyes get scared and cry while I was an exception because being the firstborn of a powerful duke, I was far more intimidating and we, vampires are more on the domineering side. We back down if someone's stronger than us and fight if we know we'll win.

"Milady, it's safe."

He stood up and removed the chains of the puppy and even though it has been freed, the puppy curled itself into a ball and whimpered. I approached it and sat down. How pitiful.

"Who hurt you?"

My voice came out as a threat, not aimed at the fragile puppy but to those who hurt him. I felt furious and I don't know why. I feel like killing someone.

"Whoever did this, will pay." Despite my assurance, the puppy whimpered in response. I patted its head and sighed. This poor puppy will never be harmed, not on my watch.

"I must inform you Milady that it is a he."

I stood up and looked at Sir Rodrigo in disbelief, "Are you serious? This is a he?"

"Yes, I've confirmed it."

I crossed my arms and huffed, now it'll be difficult to let it be by my side all the time. Whatever, I'm sure it'll be okay.



I haven't finished what I was saying and my Father, without hesitation, disagreed.

"Father, it is just a puppy." I placed down the fork and tried to reason out, "It will not tarnish my reputation."

"Cailina, it is better to be wary of your dignity as a lady." Mother joined hands with my Father on reprimanding me.

"But... It's mine. I won't let it out of my sight."

I know my eyes were glowing. I feel angry with my parents. I don't really act like a spoiled child, but something inside me was mad at them for distancing the puppy and I. It's mine. He's mine.


My father was now serious. All of us knew that no one is backing down unless my mother intervenes. Father's eyes were also glowing trying to intimidate me.

"That is enough. The meal is getting cold. Yaegar and Cailina, enough."

We both looked away and I huffed at my Father's stubbornness. I just want the puppy to share a bedroom with me, what's wrong with that?

Through consistent begging and cute tactics throughout dinner time, both of them eventually agreed, but when I finally debuted the puppy will have its own room. I didn't complain and accepted their conditions. Now I'm at my room brushing the puppy's fur with my fingers while it sleeps. The doctor said that he's having a hard time shifting due to his injuries. I feel like killing someone again just by thinking that my puppy was hurt. How pitiful.

"From now on, you are mine. You will never leave my side." I whispered and hugged him while I surrendered myself to sleep.