Chapter 2

The weather was perfect for staying in, I opened my book and sat down on the window sill, and the sound of raindrops hitting the window was relaxing my wolf. This type of weather let me escape the reality I was in. My reading was abruptly interrupted by a crashing sound that came from downstairs. I headed where the commotion was and saw my Mother blocking the front door with a fallen shelf. I looked around and none of our servants were present.


She looked at me and grabbed my wrist leading me to the backdoor. Her grip was too tight that my wrist started to redden. I tried to ask what was happening, but she didn't utter a word. My father was also nowhere to be seen. When we arrived at the south wing, she tried to push me out of the mansion. I don't even know what was happening. I resisted with all my might and pulled back my hand away from my mother's grasp.

"Why are you even resisting? Get out!"

"I won't go until I know what's going on." I backed away from her and my back met the wall, "I'm scared."

My father appeared from the other room, his face was filled with horror and dragged me out of the house and pushed me towards the forest.

"Why are you still here? Go! Run as far as you could and don't look back!"

I was surprised at his loud voice. He never yelled at me, this was the first time he raised his voice with anger and fear. I was confused and I kept looking back and forth at the forest and my parents.

"Just go! Don't look back!"

I hesitated because there's no way I can survive alone, but seeing the desperation in my parent's eyes I ran. I'm scared and I have no idea what was happening. I had no choice but to obey them, I trust them that they'll be safe, but that hope was crushed when I heard howls of wolves signaling the other accomplices that my parents were dead. I can't do anything, I didn't even say goodbye. I was holding back my tears as I ran and avoided the fallen branches of trees.

The rain finally stopped and it felt like an eternity as I ran away from danger. The last memory I have of my parents was their desperation of keeping me alive.

The sky was in deep slumber and it was dark inside the forest. I got distracted that I tripped and stumbled on a rock. I was too weak. I can't even protect them. As I was trying to regain my balance I heard a growl behind me. I looked back and saw a beast, its horns were like scattered branches. Its eyes were full of hunger staring down at me waiting for the right time to pounce on me.

Its teeth were shown as it snarled at me. The fangs were sharp enough to cut me and its jaw was capable of snapping my bones.

I slowly backed away, hoping that it'll let me go. I don't stand a chance when this beast catches me. Without a moment of doubt, its jaws bit my body as I tried to run away. For a moment, I was grateful to be a werewolf. It didn't entirely snap me into two. I struggled and scratched its face making it bite harder. I whimpered and I bit its front leg that it lost its grip on me.

I quickly ran taking advantage of the distracted beast. My mind was a mess, everything was just a blur, but I kept on running and hoping I will be saved.

The beast roared and it was heard throughout the forest. I know that it was chasing me. I don't dream to be someone else's dinner. I saw a pit hole and hid under. The beast caught up with my pace and kept looking around, sniffing my lingering scent. I covered myself with mud to hide it, thank goodness for the downpour.

Hours passed and it was already dawn. The beast already left and I crawled out of the hole. I was coated with mud and blood, I tried to shake off the mud, but my whole body ached. I ignored the pain and began to run again.

I was exhausted that I didn't realize I had trespassed a territory. A vampire territory. I smelled the scent of my surroundings and I confirmed that I was inside the bloodsuckers' territory.

I was too tired to move my body out of the area. I spotted a large bush and hid, hoping no one will find me. The fatigue finally caught up with my body and I closed my eyes.


"Look Ria! A puppy!"

"Milady, I don't think it's a normal puppy."

"It's so cute and fluffy! Even though it's covered in blood and a little bit yucky, but I'll take it home!"

I was woken up by a young girl's voice persuading her maid to take me home. She even tried to carry me and to my surprise, she didn't even have a hard time lifting me. I was too tired to open my eyes, I let them do whatever they want to me. Once again my consciousness drifted to sleep.

I woked up in a cell, it was cold yet surprisingly clean. I never heard nor seen a dungeon that is free of odors and filth. I curled up in a ball, unable to shift back into my human form. I tried talking to my wolf yet I received silence. I suddenly heard footsteps coming towards my cell and I saw two persons standing. A little girl that was younger than my age and an adult dressed as a knight. I growled at them hoping to get them scared.

The adult opened my cell and approached me, his eyes began to glow, it was scary that I let out a whimper. After a while of examining me if I posed as a threat, the adult finally confirmed that I was safe.

The adult removed the chains that were binding me and I was too weak to try and escape. The little girl approached me and sat down.

"Who hurt you?"

It was a threat. I don't even know what happened and I'm too scared to do anything.

"Whoever did this, will pay." She patted my head and assured me, no matter how comforting her words were, they won't bring back my parents. A whimper escaped my mouth as I remember the howls as they were killed.


I was carried by the adult and we entered a room, the little girl was no longer following us because she said that she will be attending her lessons and we will see each other later. The room was painted white and the atmosphere was giving off a comforting aura. I saw an old man sitting behind his desk while drinking tea.

"Oh, what brings you here Sir Rodrigo?" The old man asked the adult while raising a brow as soon as his eyes fell on me.

"Milady requests for you to treat this puppy."

"Hmm, so this is the new plaything of our young miss. She sure has a unique taste for toys. Anyway, place him on the table."

The adult man placed me on the table, "I will take my leave now and the personal maid of Milady will come and clean him up."

"Call her now, this thing needs a bath first."

The adult man bowed and left. Not long after, a young woman around her late teens arrived at the room. They bathe me and carefully scrubbed my body. Treating it like a fragile vase that any mishandles I will break.

"All done, let's get you treated."

The old man began cleaning my wounds and stitched a couple of deep injuries. I let out a whimper every time he pressed the wounds. I don't know how many hours passed until he was finished treating me, but I was glad that he didn't try to kill me.

"I'll fetch a trolley and place the pup inside Milady's room." The maid left and returned with a trolley that was painted in cream and was filled with pillows and a fluffy blanket. She picked me up and gently placed me on the trolley. This feels like heaven, everything is soft. I placed my nose under one of the pillows and slept.

We finally arrived at the room of the young girl. I was woken up when I heard voices muttering that I was the new toy of their young miss. I won't disagree with me being a toy, it was better compared to being killed. I just hope that their young miss won't be a brute.

The maid prepared my bed near the other spacious bed. That bed was so wide I think it'll fit four adults. The room was also spacious, the whole room was painted of different shades of brown. I would have never guessed that this room belonged to a young girl. The ceiling was decorated with a large chandelier. The pillars on the walls were elegantly sculpted with patterns. Two large windows were leading to a balcony with a view of a wide garden. There were also couches and a table for accommodating guests and a study table near the bed. It was a typical room except a large painting of skulls was placed on the wall above the headboard of the bed.

The maid finished arranging my bed and gently laid me. Wow, this was softer than the last. I rubbed my body on the soft blankets and pillows. Yes, this is nice. A place where I can relax. I wish my parents were here so that we can enjoy these warm blankets, but they're gone. The thought of not seeing them again made me cry and the warmth of the bed lulled me to sleep.

Someone was brushing my fur and woke me up. I was now on the spacious bed with the little girl, she's looking at me with pity in her eyes. We stared at each other for a while and then she whispered,

"From now on, you are mine. You will never leave my side. Mine."

She was really treating me as an object, but something inside my heart was happy. It somewhat comforted me that someone cares about me and I felt that I found a new home. She hugged me and we both fell asleep.