
Chapter 67: Week Off

December 16, 2020 (Wednesday)

Cassandra's POV

"You ready for your first day of training, Shortcake?" questioned adult Romaine, as we walked through the bed of withered leaves at the campsite.

Strapping on my friction-resistant shoes, I slowly pranced past him.

"I'm not exactly used to this." I admitted

"It's fine Cas, we'll take it one step at a time."

"Ok, what do I do first?"

He came up close behind me and began whispering in my ear.

"Just close your eyes and breathe. Listen to my voice, the sound of the wind around you, the birds chirping. Feel the wind blowing against you, your blood rushing through you, the adrenaline coursing through your veins. Now run."

On his command, I took off in a blaze. Everything around me was moving so slow as I ran past. It was such a rush; I finally understood why the others enjoyed running so much.

I circled Romaine multiple times, though when I finally came to a stop I ended up losing my balance. Thankfully, he was there to catch me.

"Wow." I ecstacized, "What a rush."

"Tell me about it." He joked, "Way easier than landing the brakes as you see."

"Is it weird that I want to go again?" I questioned, regaining my proper balance

"Not at all, go as many times as you like. I'll be here to guide you."

Once I'd started running again, I took notice of my lightning's hue; it was gold, reminiscent of my father's, but there were also dust particles produced by it. I came to a stop admiring its unique properties.

"You'll be a really good speedster." Romaine encouraged

"I don't know Romaine, I'm more of a scientist, not really an 'in the field' person."

"Well, being in the field is a crucial step towards the research of a scientist."

Donte's POV

"Is this the place?" The Prince asked, opening the door

"Yep. Our Old house." I answered

"Why'd you wanna come here anyways?" Shante questioned

"I was just curious as to the environment you grew up in is all."

"Welp, here it is." I said

"Bloody Hell." he gasped. "There's blood... everywhere."

When Shante and I saw all the blood, a whole lot of bad memories were coming back.

"Can we go now?" Shante asked, trying to hide her tears

"Oh, yes of course." He answered, "That was a lot more morbid than I'd imagined. I apologize if I just brought back some unsettling memories."

"It's fine." I said, hugging Shante

"There's a lot of potential in you kids" He said, "What say you about me helping you to draw it out?"

"So you're gonna train us?" questioned Shante

"To be best of my ability."

"Sounds fun." I laughed


December 15, 2020 (Tuesday)

Romaine's POV

I imagine the other's are doing something a lot more fun right now.

"Why are we here again?" I questioned Dondre

"Because you need to unwind. And what better place to do so than in your favorite cafe surrounded by a bunch of pretty ladies?"

"Probably anything else. I don't want any coffee right now."

As I'd begun walking away he grabbed my shoulders and dragged me back.

"Not so fast Mister. You can have tea, and you're not leaving here until you feel better."

"Guess I'll be here for a while then." I mumbled to myself, taking a seat

Once Dondre had brought our order, we both sat and stared through the glass-paned walls.

"Oh hey," He randomly started, "wasn't today your mother's birthday?"

"Oh shoot-" I spat out my tea, "I completely forgot. I need to go call her right now."

Well, safe to say that it was clear I'd forgotten, given that it was now late afternoon. Not only were my mother and sister disappointed, but I was disappointed in myself too.

"Son of The Year." I sighed, taking back my seat

"Well at least you have a mother to tell 'happy birthday' to." he dismissed

That statement caused me to glance over at him, and in that moment, he wasn't the normal happy-go-lucky Dondre I was used to; instead he seemed to be in a lot of pain.