
Chapter 77: Black Christmas

Romaine's POV

After spending the whole day with mom and Melany carrying out our Christmas traditions, the night had finally dawned and we gathered at the dinner table to have our Christmas feast.

"We've never really gotten to spend time like this as a family lately." Mom said

"Because a certain someone insists on learning multi-media courses in England." I mumbled

"Go big or go home." Melany responded

"You haven't been around much either Romaine." Mom added, "You're always out hanging out and studying with your friends. You can take the time to be with your mother every once in a while you know."

"Sorry." I nervously chuckled

"And Mel, you seem to have gotten involved with his friends too."

"Well," She went, "what can I say? The stuff they do is pretty engaging."

Just then, I got a familiar dark feeling. Shivers ran down my spine, causing me to drop the fork in my hand.

"You ok bro?" Mel questioned

Before I could even respond, Black Zero appeared in the room, holding his claws to our mother's neck.

This must be how it feels as a normie when a speedster uses their powers.

"Zero." I sharpened my tone at him, physically stunned by fear

"Hello, Romaine." He chuckled

"What the hell are you doing in my house?"

"I've decided that it's time I make another move."

"Is this the guy that killed Kyle?" Melany stuttered

I slowly nodded, with my gaze still fixated on our mother frozen in fear.

In another flash, Melany and I were tied up and on our knees on the balcony facing inwards. And in front of us was Zero, slowly sticking his claws into our mother's neck.

"Zero you bastard!" I belted, "Don't you dare hurt her!"

"Mom you have to get away from him!" Mel pleaded

"I swear if you do it I'll kill you!"

Zero broke out into laughter, clearly amused at my despair.

Mom was unable to respond due of Zero choking her. Tears filled each of our eyes as the fear engulfed the three of us.

I gritted my teeth and held my head down.

"You killed Kyle, you killed the Rising Sun, and now you want to kill her. Why are you doing this?"

"Because, Romaine," He returned to a serious tone, "there is nothing I hate more in the entire multiverse than you."

"You took my speed! What more could you want?"

"Your speed was only the beginning; I won't stop until I take everything from you, and make you feel the same pain that I did."

"Whatever I did to you, I'm sorry. Just please don't kill her. That's going way too far, even for you."

"Don't talk to me like you know me Romaine!"

He raised up my mother, piercing his hands through her neck. Her blood trickled down his arm as we cried and plead.


Shoving the claws of his other hand right through her chest, Zero broke out into laughter again.

Her blood sprayed out on the floor, burning the image into my mind. In the next moment time slowed down, but not in the way my powers would do it; instead it was as if my life was flashing before my eyes.

Melany broke free from her bondage, spurring forth with orange lightning in super speed.

"Noooo!" She screeched

She hit Zero in the chest, clearly catching him off-guard and causing him to drop our mother and step back.

Melany seemed distressed at the situation and attempted to wake our mother up as she uncontrollably cried

Zero glared at me, who was currently struggling to break free of the rope and get myself together.

"Despicable." Zero mocked


Future Romaine's POV

After all this time, there was still no dice on Dondre or Overdrive's whereabouts. And I have a bad feeling something worse is gonna happen soon.

"Guys." Cas called our attention, "The satellites are picking up a weird energy signature at Romaine's house."

"Oh no." I went in realization

"Not good; it's Black Zero."

"Black Zero?" The siblings questioned

"If he's there then Romaine and Melany are in trouble." Shante pointed out

"Yeah, we have to go help them." Donte agreed

"Don't even think about it." I put my hand out blocking them

"Hey! What's the big idea future Romaine?" Donte belted

"There's no need for you to get involved; you'll just get killed." I explained

"Well no one else here has speed. We're the only ones that can help."

I took a glance back at Cas and saw her looking partially guilty. Likely because of hiding her powers from everyone.

"Well I~" Cas started before I stopped her

"Cas-" I put out my hand to her, "Give me the drug."

"But it's not fully done yet."

"Give it to me still; it's time this Velocity ran for the final time."

Reluctantly giving me the drug, Cas seemed concerned of what I was planning.

I injected the syringe into my blood vessel, pumping it full of the speed drug. Once I felt my artificial speed returning, I hugged Cas and whispered in her ear.

"Cassandra, no matter what timeline or era you're from, I'll always love you. You mean the absolute world to me. Make sure he knows how you feel about him too ok?"

Drawing away from her grasp, I waved off to the others and entered the elevator.

"Never thought I'd be in this scene again." I joked to myself

Once the doors of the elevator parted I raced out of the lab and all the way to my childhood home.

When I'd gotten close enough to the house, I immediately got wind of Zero's dark aura. I sprinted into the house as fast as possible, encountering Zero threating the two teens. I stopped in front of Melany, blocking him off from attacking her.

"Did I just see our mother dead on the ground?" I questioned them, keeping my eyes fixated on Zero

"Zero killed her!" Romaine shouted

"You bastard!" I stung at Zero, "This time you've gone too far!"

"You think I'm afraid to slaughter all the others?" Zero chuckled

"Your fight's not with them; it's with me. Fight me to the death now and we'll finally see who the victor is."

"Future me you can't!" Romaine cried out

"Pathetic." Zero scoffed, "I'll slaughter you with seconds."

"Yeah, we'll see." I dismissed him then gave instructions to the others, "Melany, free him. Once you're free just run. Get away from here and don't look back."

With that, Zero and I sped off through the front door, initiating our speedster death-battle. He likely disregarded the instructions I gave the other two because he thinks he'll be able to kill me and make it back before they can even get anywhere.

But what this Black Zero doesn't know, is that this speedster has a few clever tricks up his sleeve.