Chapter #5: Time Well Spent

Over the next month Modoru and Nokosu committed to a routine. They solely ate at Fanwan restaurant in the morning because it was close to the abandoned mine. Their ensuing plan would make use of Modoru's healthy amount of credit, and move forward with making the underground subway their base of operations. First converting the space into a place that could be worked in, they cleaned diligently. Next they outfitted certain areas with storage areas that could be used to hold Xenophite – as they could not hold the Xenophite in the apartment. They brought the desk from the apartment to the subway made a space for Nokosu's researching and surveying. While Modoru, carved out an a small engineering space; so that he could easily and freely take apart the C.S device. Modoru reasoned that the whole plan revolved around a working C.S device – if it could not work properly, then they were doomed. Nokosu agreed and let Modoru work on the device for most of day. Nokosu, after the morning, would leave and head to the library. More research needed to be done as they needed to contact the Shibuya Company, hopefully find a loophole that would allow them access to Xenophite. Nokosu worked every angle as he phoned the company at the library. To the point where the secretaries would not take his calls anymore – at least concerning public access to Xenophite. As he hit a wall with ideas, Nokosu headed back to mine.

"Hey bud, how's the C.S device doing?" Nokosu asked as he sat down at his desk inside the now tidy and clean subway area.

"Little worse for wear actually. The power source is slowly dwindling the longer we stay here. I need to find a stronger battery at the electrical store, maybe try and install it myself. I'll have to look into it though, because I'm not trained in installation. Just knowledge of its parts. And I don't have the schematics for it. It would be a lot easier if I had it." Modoru lamented.

"If I got you the schematics for a prototype C.S device, could you do it?" Nokosu said.

"Yes..hopefully. But yes." Modoru said.

"Ok I just need to phone the engineering company that, you know, originally discovers the device. It's funny being from the future, because of my background as an archeologist, part of my studies was Diviner city history. I know most things that are going to happen, historically anyway, before they happen," Nokosu.

"Hey take advantage of it, we need to get back to our time as soon as possible. The longer we stay here, the harder its going to be," Modoru said, "Anyway its already 6pm, do you want to head over to Fanwan? I'm starving."

"Sure, just let me power down the generator." Nokosu said as flipped the switch to the power generator that provided them with lights. As the pair arrived at Fanwan restaurant and ordered their usual, Nokosu looked at the window and pensively stared out. As Agatha delivered their food, instead of digging in like usual he pushed it aside and looked at Modoru.

"I have an idea." Nokosu said. Hesitating from eating, Modoru also pushed his bowl aside and made his attention known.

"Ok lets hear it," Modoru said.

"Now bear with me. This idea might not be able to work, and it's a longshot. Also it might go against your code as a soldier. Are you ok with that?" Nokosu asked.

"Look at me," Modoru said as he gestured to his civilian clothes which was a black hoodie and jeans. Still wearing the googles however, he took them off, and looked again at Nokosu. "Do I look like a soldier? I doubt the strict code of the military is going to influence us from back in the future. Don't worry I'm all ears my friend."

"Good cause' I needed you to be on board. We're going to need your expertise as a thief." Nokosu revealed. Modoru shifted in his seat, but didn't flinch. Nokosu continued.

"Because it will be near impossible for us to gain public access to Xenophite until a few years into the future, my idea hinges on us stealing the Xenophite from Shibuaya. However, we would need access to its location and security measures and for that I propose that we both get jobs at Shibuya. You as a security officer and myself as an archeological expert. This way if we spend some time around the company, we can get a sense as to the Xenophite's whereabouts. I only suggest this plan because you mentioned the power declining from the C.S device. I don't doubt your engineering expertise, however even with a new battery it might be years….years until we can get public access to Xenophite. By then we're going to need another power source, and something else may have come up with the device. I know you have a history with stealing and its not your thing anymore, but this may be our only shot at getting back home. If anything, it's for a good purpose. What do you think?" Nokosu explained.

"Stealing huh?...your going to have to give me some time to think…."Modoru said.

"Sure, take your time," Nokosu said and went to eating his meal. As Nokosu ate, Modoru thought inwardly to himself. He had completely renounced himself as thief. That life was behind him. However, remembering his military training – his experience as a thief had come in handy. Without it he not would be the elite combatant he was today. Maybe there was some merit in delving back into his past experience. He just needed to remind himself it was for a good purpose – to get back his own time. Sighing now, he gave a slight wave to Nokosu who stopped eating and pushed his bowl aside.

"I realize its for a good purpose and we're doing this to get back to our time. I only have one stipulation," Modoru revealed. "I have no doubt that if I knew the layout of security, I could come up with a plan to infiltrate it. But we are doing this according to my plan and we're not going to hurt anybody."

"totally agree, I mean it was just an idea of mine. You'll be doing most of the work," smiled Nokosu, "But as for not hurting anybody, I'm on board with that. You have my word." As Nokosu finished Agatha walked up from behind them.

"If your in agreement, I can get you the jobs…..if you want," she said.

"Agatha? Have you been listening in the whole time?" Modoru questioned. "That conversation was private."

"You two have been coming here day and night, and we don't get that many consistent patrons. On top of that you definitely don't look like you're from here. I like you two. And if it's to help both of you get back home, wherever that is, I'm ok with that." Agatha said.

" really want to help?" Nokosu asked.

"Yes. I can get you the interviews. I have connections with the Shibuya corporation. My father works for them. Getting the jobs is up to you." Agatha said.

"Modoru are you ok with this," Nokosu asked.

"…..only if she doesn't get hurt. She's not coming along with us when we're stealing." Modoru said.

"I won't be, that's not my angle," she said.

"Then let's do this," Nokosu said.

"Great, meet me back here in 2 days, I'll have the interviews lined up for you. You can take them in our private office in the back," she said as she winked to Nokosu and headed back to bussing her tables.

"She likes you Nokosu," Modoru laughed.

"Maybe bud, just maybe." Nokosu said.