Chapter #6: The Interview

Two days later, Modoru and Nokosu awoke a little earlier than usual and dressed for the occasion. Modoru said it was important to dress like they were actually going for an in-person interview. It would put their minds in the right state. Nokosu eventually agreed and put on his only dress shirt and tie. Modoru was clothed in a full grey suit with black tie. As they headed over to Fanwan restaurant, Modoru went over his qualifications in his head. Nokosu for the most part didn't look nervous but seemed a slight bit apprehensive. Modoru decided to check in on his friend.

"Nokosu, are you ok?" Modoru asked.

"Slightly, I haven't had a job interview in a while. And what happens if you get the job and I don't? The plan requires me to nail the archaeological position." Nokosu said nervously.

"Why Nokosu, its not like you to be nervous…..especially from someone from the future." Modoru said jokingly.

"I'm not ok...I'm just…..was that a joke?" Nokosu said as he registered Modoru's tone.

"A small one. On a real note it really isn't like you to be nervous. You should be fine with all your knowledge on Xenophite. And remember you were here 6 months before me on your own and you made it. You should be fine." Modoru reassured him.

"Oh wow, you actually made a joke...I'm sorry I can't concentrate now," laughed Nokosu. After, he breathed out an anxious breath and continued. "Honestly I needed that. Thank you. You're right I was here for 6 months on my own, I got this."

"Yes you do," Modoru said. As they entered the restaurant, it was completely empty except for Agatha waiting for them at the front.

"Wow. You guys look great," Agatha said playfully.

"Thanks. It was Modoru's idea." Nokosu said.

"So who's first Agatha," Modoru said.

"It'll be Nokosu first, then you Modoru. Good luck. Nokosu just follow the hallway down to the first door on the right." Agatha said. As Nokosu walked down the hallway, he turned around.

"You know Modoru made a joke! A joke! I can't believe it....." he laughed again. As Nokosu went into the room on the right, Agatha smiled as well.

"Really now?" Agatha said.

"Just a small one. He was feeling nervous so I decided to copy him." Modoru said.

"That's nice of you Modoru….do you want some water?" Agatha asked.

"Sure that would be great. Thanks." Modoru said. As he waited for Agatha to get some water. He again went over his qualifications in his head. The academy that he graduated from didn't exist yet. And he mostly got the military gig from their recruitment waves. He would have to impress the interviewer with his knowledge of hand to hand combat and non-lethal force. As Agatha arrived with some water, Modoru decided to do Nokosu a solid.

"You know Agatha, Nokosu is single right now." Modoru said.

"....Hmmm, that's interesting. Thanks for the info Modoru." Agatha smiled.

"I got the job!" yelled Nokosu. As he ran out of the room, he had the hugest grin on his face. "I got the job guys…I actually ended up confusing the interviewer a bit with my knowledge on Xenophite so I had to dial it back a little. Nonetheless, she gave me the job."

"Great man, I guess I'll head in then," Modoru said. As Modoru walked away, Nokosu put a hand on Modoru's shoulder and raised his fist in a fist-bump. Modoru noticed and fist-bumped him back and then headed into the hallway. As he was walking away, he could hear Agatha questioning Nokosu….

"Sooo…Nokosu. Modoru tells me your single…" Agatha said. As Modoru entered the room and shut the door, he sat down at the chair near a desk and waited for the phone to ring. 5 minutes passed by, and the phone rang twice. He picked it up after the second ring.

"Hello?" Modoru said.

"Hello there! My name is Meishu. I am the lead security officer at Shibuya Corporation. Let's start with a brief introduction. Please tell me a little bit about yourself." Meishu said.

"Sure," Modoru said. "My name is Modoru and I am 26 years old. I currently have training in Akido, Judo, Muay thai, and Snake kung fu. Mostly I am well versed with achieving a take down, through non-lethal force. I am a high school graduate and am about 5'9.

"Non-lethal force you say. That's very interesting considering we train our security officers to use lethal force when necessary. Please describe an ideal take down from behind." Meishu said

"Sure, so after approaching the assailant from behind, I would first discombobulate him with a double palm strike to their ears, take his left hand, twist, and form a simple judo throw. Once on the ground I would fight into in a full nelson until said assailant is out cold." Modoru explained confidently.

"You know your stuff. I am giving you the job. The pay starts at $18/hour with benefits. You start Monday. Good talking with you." Meishu said as he hung up. Modoru felt as if this were a real job. He felt accomplished. However, he needed to remember why they were there – which was to steal Xenophite to get back home. He would need to make notes as to the security details and ask a lot of questions. Nonetheless he was up for it. Modoru the thief was back….but in a good way. He exited the room and walked back to Nokosu and Agatha who were flirting and laughing. Nokosu looked him up and down.

"Well you look happy, did you get it?" Nokosu asked.

"Yupp. I think we both start on Monday if I'm not mistaken." Modoru said.

"Let's celebrate!" Agatha said, "You guys head over to your usual table. I'll bring the food and drinks!" As the two waited for Agatha to get their food and drinks. Nokosu whispered to Modoru.

"So I have a date with her," whispered Nokosu.

"Aw that's great man, I'm happy for you." Modoru said.

"I owe you. Anything you need, I'll get it for you." Nokosu said.

"Thanks man, but I just want you to be ready when we do end up stealing the Xenophite." Modoru said.

"As in how?" Nokosu questioned.

"As in….starting tomorrow I'm training you in non-lethal combat and teleporting tactics." Modoru said with smirk.

"Shit...Ok. Just go easy on me." Nokosu said.

"We'll see my friend, we'll see." Modoru said.