Chapter #11: Finding The Perpetrators - Part 1

As Meishu's alarm went off, it was about 7am in the morning. Simultaneously, his phone rang twice with 2 messages from his officers on duty. Looking at it groggily, it read 'come to work ASAP. WE HAD A BREAK IN.' Sighing, and putting on his slippers, he got dressed. Meishu was a driven man older man, however lived alone and mostly concentrated on his work. Break-in's at Shibuya were very common at this time of the quarterly business as competitors sometimes sent other agents to infiltrate the company. As he got downstairs and made some coffee for himself, with no intention of rushing, he got another message. 'WE HAVE A VIDEO.' Watching it now, Meishu spat his coffee out. The perpetrators were teleporting! What in Gods name has the company got itself into now. Finally driven into rushing, Meishu forgot his toast and bolted to his car and headed over to Shibuya. 30 minutes later as he entered the crime scene, there were a group of other workers who were onlooking.

"Please go back to your normal work! Security has this handled!" Meishu said. One of his officers walked up to him,

"Sir have you seen the video?" the officer asked.

"I have….what did they steal?" Meishu asked calmly.

"Xenophite sir, half of our storage," the officer said.

"Hmmm….not all of it though?" Meishu said.

"No sir," the officer said, "They didn't' bother to access the innermost vault. We're guessing the perps were using security access to the building because no alarms went off. Also, we checked security door access and it has a log for tonight."

"Oh really? And who was accessing the building this late?" Meishu said.

"Our new employee, Modoru," the officer said.

"Hmm. So, we have a potential identity of the perp. It could just be a coincidence that Modoru was here at night tonight even though he isn't scheduled. He'd better have a good alibi." Meishu said. "Regardless, I'd like to start with the video. You say the perps were teleporting. The only known material I know of that teleports, is the Xenophite itself. Could there be any possible way there were manipulating the Xenophite to teleport themselves?"

"It's possible sir. Rumor has it one of our competitors, Rukaku Labs, has developed a new device called the C.S device or Cascading stream device. It is supposed to manipulate Xenophite in such a way to be able to bring the user along the stream of the teleporting Xenophite. However, Rukaku Labs is in Valkyrie City, the Bastion City to the south. You don't think they sent agents all the way here in the north, do you?" the officer said.

"It's possible. It's better to rule out competitors first then our own employees, however it will be prudent to investigate as to why Modoru was here at night. Also send me a list of current employees with knowledge of Xenophite access. If the perps didn't know of the innermost vault and we are also cross examining our employees, then it would be employees who only have low security access to the Xenophite." Meishu said.

"Very good sir, I'll forward that note to you ASAP," said the officer.

"Good. Now clean up here before the morning actually starts. Or were going to have an even bigger scene." Meishu ordered.

"You got it sir," said the officer who went back and started ordering around the other officers.