Chapter #12: The Long Haul

As almost two years passed by after the heist, Meishu's investigation narrowed down the potential perpetrators to Modoru and a couple of lower level employees that included Nokosu. However, Modoru himself had an alibi/reason for being there that night. Modoru had reasoned that he was there because he thought he was scheduled, but left early after finding out he wasn't. Even if it was less than a solid reason, Meishu downgraded Modoru's potential as a perp to less than none. The trail started going cold and Meishu thought he might never find the teleporting individuals. After interrogating some of the lower level employees, including Nokosu, he only had reason to believe the heist was done by some infiltration agents sent from Rukaku Labs. As they were the only labs in existence who had access to C.S devices.

Modoru during this time, tried to fly under the radar of Meishu even though Meishu was his boss. Having already promised Nokosu to gain more Xenophite the legit way, he would have no trouble having a clear conscience going forward – as there would be no more stealing. The years passed and Modoru remained at the same level as when he started because he didn't want to get closer to Meishu. Being fine with this he still earned decent enough pay, to pay for his own apartment, down the hall of Nokosu – as Nokosu and Agatha had started living together. During his off time, Modoru would head over to the mine and keep his skills in combat sharp. The trio of Modoru, Nokosu and Agatha would now meet once a week at Fanwan or at Nokosu's place because of all the time spent at each others jobs.

Nokosu himself, being free from the scrutiny of Meishu, skyrocketed his career with Shibuya. He became a lead archaeologist and had started running the lab. Because of his new position, he was awarded stock holder access as well as access to Xenophite. Not forgetting his goal as why he was there, Nokosu used his stock holder access to gain more Xenophite for himself and Modoru. However, during these years, Nokosu had more free time during his work hours because now his underlings were running the tests. So, Nokosu used this time to start a secret project of his. After meeting one night, news of this secret project reached Modoru's ears.

"So what's this project you've been working on dear?" Agatha asked Nokosu who was clearly trying to get Modoru to hear it.

"Secret project?" the now older Modoru said jokingly. "What have you been working on and why are you keeping it from me?"

"Shit, hun, why did you have say something," lamented Nokosu.

"Sorry, I just feel like it's weird that you don't tell Modoru these things," Agatha said.

"It's ok Agatha, I'm sure he'll tell me in time. Don't rush him." Modoru said understandingly.

"See it's fine. Modoru rest assured you'll know when it's ready." Nokosu said

"I'll be honest, even I don't know what the project is. I just know he's working on something. I wanted to hear it for myself as well," Agatha said with a smile. "Maybe it's a birthday present."

"For me?" Modoru said. "My birthday passed already. It would have to be next year."

"…..I know! A Christmas present!" Agatha exclaimed. "We still haven't bought Christmas presents yet, and it's almost time."

"This is true…." Modoru said. As Modoru and Agatha wove tales about Nokosu's secret project, Nokosu was glad they didn't know the real reason he was keeping it a secret, for if they did…they would not be happy. Especially Modoru.