Chapter #13: The Secret Project

"Amber, could you close the door to my office please? I'm going to take a private call," Nokosu said.

"Sure thing boss," Amber said as she closed his door. Nokosu's office was small but efficient. He had organized it in a way where most of the current projects the lab was doing was on the right side and research and development was on the left side. This included his secret project which he now pulled out onto his desk. Purely schematics, they were designs of early C.S devices. As he reviewed them now, Nokosu had been learning to engineer during his free time. His intention was to modify Modoru's C.S device to a specific design – if need be. While reviewing, he got his call from his contact.

"Hello?" the contact said.

"Yes, it's me," Nokosu said. "Are we secure?"

"Yes, for now. I have only 10 minutes," the contact said.

"Very well Professor Kalisto, you have my attention." Nokosu said.

"The tests you gave me are sound, I double and triple checked them. They are pure Xenophite material. It means that you are a source of Xenophite, Nokosu," Kalisto said.

"I figured as much. My ability to teleport has been with me since I got here." Nokosu surmised. "But that's not why I'm calling. I need the new schematics today. I need to learn how to engineer it before anything happens."

"Using yourself as Xenophite material is highly risky. There could be side effects. Are you sure you still want me to send you the C.S device schematics? This is hugely prototype design, and fitting your arm into it might not work at all." Kalisto said.

"I'm sure. It's too risky to come to you directly in Valkyrie City. I am still under a little scrutiny." Nokosu said sparingly.

"If it makes you feel better, we have good security at Kukaku Labs…." Kalisto said.

"It's ok, I can run the tests from here." Nokosu said.

"Very well. I just sent them. You should have it on your computer now." Kalisto said.

"Thanks. I'll be in touch."Nokosu said.

"Be careful Nokosu, you just might get found out." Kalisto said as he hung up. At the same time, in the security office, the same officer who had helped Meishu two years ago noticed an outgoing call to Valkyrie City – coming from Nokosu's office.