Chapter #14: Finding The Perpetrators - Part 2

"Sir I have new information about the infamous heist two years ago," the officer said as he reported to Meishu in his office.

"Cameron, I really don't feel like disappointment today, so let's just sweep this one under the rug. I have much more important things to deal with," Meishu said

"But Sir, you'll like this. You were right. At least about someone being in contact with Rukaku Labs," Cameron said.

"Oh? And who might be contacting Rukaku at this time of quarterly business?" asked Meishu.

"Nokosu, lead archaeologist." Cameron said. Meishu tilted his head narrowed his eyes.

"Didn't we hire Nokosu the same time as we hired Modoru?" Meishu asked.

"Yes sir," Cameron said.

"Aren't Nokosu and Modoru friends outside the company as well?" Meishu said.

"That's right sir, they consistently eat lunch together if I'm not mistaken." Cameron said.

"There might a semblance of lead here, Cameron. It could be just coincidence that Nokosu was contacting Rukaku Labs, but no lead is supposed to be in contact with our competitors at this time. So, it makes me wonder as to the nature of the call. In any case, leave Nokosu alone for now. We can't pin it on him from just a call. We need solid proof. Put a tail on Modoru and follow him home today to see where he goes," Meishu ordered.

"Sir if you don't mind, I'd like to follow up on this myself. I'll tail Modoru today," Cameron said.

"Very good, let me know what you find," Meishu said as he went back to his desk work. Cameron for the most part of day remained in his security office until Modoru came in to check out.

"Leaving now Modoru?" Cameron asked.

"Yup, I need a good work out after work. See you tomorrow Cam," Modoru said.

"See you Modoru," said Cameron who waited for him to exit the office before turning on his tracking beacon. Cameron had very slyly placed a small tracking beacon in Modoru's bag. This way he would know where that bag was going without following too closely. As he followed Modoru on his tracker for the rest of day, Modoru stopped at non-incriminating places. The grocery store, the electrical store, and finally Fanwan restaurant. Cameron, who was following in a car not to close by, noticed that Modoru had entered an old abandoned mine and did not come out for close to 2 hours. After he exited the mine, Modoru went into his apartment and stayed the night. Cameron had a rousing suspicion of the mine, as Modoru had spent most of his time there today. So, bringing a bolt cutter with him, Cameron cut the gates securing the mine and entered. Coming up to a very clean and polished underground subway, he noticed it was outfitted it was outfitted with storage areas to house raw material. Looking inside he found exactly what he was looking for. The stolen Xenophite. Sending a text to Meishu it read 'Suspicions confirmed. Modoru is perp.' Meishu was still in his office after receiving the text and sighed a sigh of relief. That was one perp down. Now to set the stage and rope in Nokosu. Meishu radioed his security team.

"Attention this is lead security officer Meishu. I want all team members to meet at the abandoned mine near Fanwan restaurant tonight. Bring all weapons as well as the labs corrosive acid." Meishu said. Whatever Modoru and Nokosu were using the Xenophite for, he would not have it. The acid was to be for destroying the Xenophite. If he couldn't get back the full inventory of Xenophite, which probably had already been partly used by the pair, then he would deny them their source of Xenophite as well. It was a bit vengeful, but Meishu didn't care. He would not let the competitors send infiltration agents like Modoru and Nokosu and get away with it. It was his job as a lead security officer.