Chapter #15: Caught Red-Handed

As Modoru organized the vegetables and meats for tonight's meal he thought pensively. These last few years were some of the most enjoyable he'd ever had. Living his life in the past with his friends had undoubtedly been for the betterment of himself. He had become much more light-hearted and warm like he used to be, before his estrangement from his family and military career. However, still retaining that same focus and drive because of his job at Shibuya. He wondered whether they would ever get back to their time at all. The amount of Xenophite they had was only 25% of the amount of what was originally in the Xenophite chasm. Which meant they still needed much more. After so much time spent back in the past the question now surfaced – did they want to leave at all. Nokosu himself was building a solid life with being a lead archaeologist and living with Agatha. Modoru didn't want to ruin that. As he gathered the ingredients and headed to Nokosu's apartment for that nights meal together he promised himself he would bring up that fact to both of them.

However, as he walked even still...there was a small desire to leave. Maybe not for Nokosu, but for Modoru, yes. For the better part of himself, even with his job at Shibuya and his friendship with Nokosu, he knew if he went back now; he would be able to create an even better life in the future. It shook him to his core because Nokosu and Agatha had become family too. Confusing feelings aside he hoped bringing it up at tonight's dinner would not be too heavy. As he took out his key to Nokosu's apartment, he fully expected to run into Agatha as she was supposed to be making the broth tonight. She had suggested they eat something else other than ricebowls and the pair wholly agreed. It was time for a change. Tonight, would be chicken soup. However, upon entering the apartment, Modoru did not find Agatha anywhere. Resolving to at least start preparing the meal, Modoru went into the kitchen and began the broth. 5 minutes later into his preparation, he realized tonight would go a lot more different. The door opened to reveal Agatha with worried expression painted on her face.

"Agatha?" said Modoru as he walked from the kitchen. "What's wrong?"

"The chain. The lock to the mine. It's been cut." Agatha said in a tizzy. Striving to remain calm but inwardly panicking Modoru addressed the situation.

"If it's been cut then someone has seen everything we have in the mine. Worse they knew to follow me to mine today, as I was there earlier training." Modoru said.

"Oh, it gets worse," Agatha said. "I knew that I was the only one you two had trusted to know the contents of the mine so I went in and inspected for myself. Little did I know there was an entire of squad of security officers already inside. They didn't see me – I didn't go in all the way. But I did hear voices."

"What were you doing there anyway?" Modoru asked.

"Oh, I was trying to meet up with you earlier because I know you train first. I wanted to tell you to buy rice bowl ingredients as well as broth ingredients so we could have them both tonight," Agatha said.

"Shit and then you found out about the security officers," Modoru said.

"Exactly," Agatha said.

"Where is Nokosu anyway? He should be here by now, we were supposed to meet like half an hour ago," Modoru said. He took out his phone and texted Nokosu. 'Where are you? Something important has come up,' Modoru texted. A second later Nokosu responded. 'Sorry, got caught up with a project of mine, leaving now.' Modoru texted back. 'Security officers in the mine, they know about the Xenophite we stole. Bring your wrist mounted lighters.' In finality Nokosu responded. '…..Shit ok.'

"What did he say?" Agatha asked.

"He got caught up with work, but is leaving now. You said they were security officers. Did you get a good look at any of them," Modoru asked.

"Yes, why?" Agatha said.

"Because if they had the same emblem on their shirts as I do, then they're from Shibuya," Modoru said.

"It was an eagle with a shield and sword behind it," Agatha said.

"Yeah, they are from Shibuya. Meishu must know about us stealing the Xenophite. I wonder how he found out..." Modoru thought out loud. "Doesn't matter, we need that Xenophite and we're not going to jail. Once Nokosu gets here, we can figure this out as a group."