Chapter #1: Meishu's Niece

"Meishu! You have a visitor!" the prison guard said.

"Ok," the now older Meishu said. 50 years ago, Meishu was locked up in Diviner's city prison for being accused of destroying Shibuya Corporation property. He had plead his case, and had a small amount of proof that it wasn't him. His reasoning was that a pair of teleporting thieves named Modoru and Nokosu were the ones who were behind the crime. Stating that they were from Rukaku Labs, the cops checked out Meishu's story to no avail. Modoru and Nokosu were still children, which was all the more confusing to the cops as Meishu had records of employment from their time of working at Shibuya. The cops not having enough evidence to pin it on these two mysterious people – who had flat out disappeared, told Meishu that they would be accusing him of the crime. Meishu had no solid abibi to discern away from the fact that he had destroyed the stolen Xenophite and had gotten some of his officers injured in the process. Having spent the last 50 years in prison, the military now took over his case and resolved to keep him locked up.

Residing now in wing B of the prison, the guard approached Meishu's cell and opened it. Meishu turned to face the wall and the guard cuffed Meishu's hands. As Meishu walked along the hallway of wing B to the interrogation room, he reflected on his time there. He was deathly sure that Modoru and Nokosu were real people. In fact, he was the one who had hired them both. Meishu had worked every angle of who they might be and where they might be from. The only thing that stinted his progress was his lack of resources from prison. Luckily, he had been in contact with someone from the outside. She was a member Diviner's city military and frequently visited. After listening to his story, she was vehement on his innocence. Today, they were supposed to meet to discuss more findings of Modoru's and Nokosu's whereabouts. Sitting in the interrogation room now, Meishu waited patiently for her.

5 minutes passed and the door opened. Walking in with an air of confidence, was a five foot five girl in slim, black plated armor. The armor accentuated her curves and her blonde hair was tied in a ponytail. Carrying a small scowl even with her beautiful features, Meishu had to admit she was intimidating. Sitting in front of her uncle now, she spoke.

"Hey uncle, how are you doing?" she said with concern in her voice.

"I'm doing fine May, it's good to see you," Meishu said as he returned her concern. "That armor suits you kid."

"Thanks, I got promoted from second squad to first squad in the military. First squad has all the best fighters and perks. You don't make it into first squad without being extremely lethal," May said.

"I don't doubt it. Looks like those early karate classes you took did you good eh?" Meishu said warmly.

"Yup, all thanks to you uncle," May said. "On another note, I brought the footage you were looking for."

"Right, let's get down to business. Which footage were you able to get?" Meishu said.

"Mostly old traffic footage of Nokosu and a woman heading into Fanwan restaurant. That's it of what we requested…" May lamented.

"That's fine. It's enough to work with. Remember we're trying to rebuild my case without looking to suspicious. Let's watch it." Meishu said. May pulled out her phone, and scrolled through until she found the traffic video. As they watched it, Meishu's blood boiled. Yes. That was Nokosu alright, but who was the girl? He would need to find that out. The video finished but May had a smile on her face now. "What is it kid?"

"I have another video; this one took a while to get as I had to get passed military security for this. But like I said being in first squad has its perks. It's a video of present day," May said.

"Present day?" Meishu said confused.

"Yes uncle. It's a video of a person who looks like Modoru, taking a public transit aircraft and boarding it," May said.

"Where was he going?" Meishu asked.

"Valkyrie city," May said with finality. Meishu smirked. Whoever this person was, he was the same age as he had been in the past and he was going Valkyrie city nonetheless. Maybe Meishu was right in his connection with Rukaku Labs after all.

"May….can you follow him?" Meishu asked. "I realize you have duties as first squadron of the military, but can you take a leave of absence for this. I feel like we have a lead here."

"Of course, uncle. I already put in the request. That was the other thing I came here to say. I might not be visiting for a while. I'm going to use all my resources to pursue this guy and apprehend him. Your getting out once and for all," May said.

"Thank you kid. I'll be waiting here," Meishu said. "But be careful, Modoru is a highly skilled fighter."

"Don't worry uncle," May said as she got up. "First squad is the absolute best in the military, better than any squad. And I swear I'll live up to that reputation."