Chapter #2: Nokosu's Legacy

Sitting now, Modoru took a break from traversing the rooftops of Valkyrie city and looked out on the horizon. The dawn had just broken over the skyline and morning dew covered most surfaces. Lighting a match now, not to port, but to light a cigarette; Modoru took a deep pull and exhaled. He never had a smoking habit before, especially when he was in the military. They had demanded a healthy lifestyle to keep up with the work regiment. However, since arriving in Valkyrie city and very clearly self-dismissing himself from the military, Modoru had become more lax. Truth be told this always happened now, when he was alone and thought of Nokosu. It was true that he had wanted to head back to the future, but to leave his new family of Nokosu and Agatha behind had become more painful every day since arriving. All he wanted to do was spend time with them again. It became an almost physical ache in his chest as he touched it briefly. 'You said we would find each other in the future Nokosu,' he thought. '��..Really don't want to be alone again.'

There was one catch however, that being the one bright side in all this. Nokosu's legacy. His kid. Nokosu had named his one and only child after Modoru - Modoru Jr. Modoru smiled and put out the cigarette. If there would be any semblance of doing right by Nokosu as a friend, it would be to visit his child. Taking out another match, this time to port, he lit it and engulfed it in his palm. Teleporting from the top of the building to the middle of an alleyway, Modoru appeared. Even without his C.S device, he could still teleport. What had happened to Nokosu in the past, had happened to Modoru in the future. It seemed that travelling through time really did fuse someone with Xenophite. Modoru felt very lucky. To still be able utilize his training was important to him. As Modoru walked out of the alleyway and into the streets of Valkyrie City, he noticed much more military presence than in Diviner's city. Valkyrie City also had a military; however, their structure was different. Diviner's city classified the effectiveness of the combatants by squad structure; first squad being the best and moving downward from there. Modoru was previously third squad and had moved up the lower ranks quickly. However, Valkyrie city was much more lenient in its combatant classification. Instead of grouping all the first squad fighters, into one elite squad; each squad had one of every fighter in a group. This made for a more balanced squad makeup. Modoru liked their idea. One of best would be in each group, to lead and balance the team. Maybe when he was sure Modoru J was in good hands he would volunteer for the Valkyrie city military. Going over the plan in his head, Modoru reviewed his to do list – which was only one thing. Head over to Professor Kalisto's lab in the middle of the city and hopefully he would run into Modoru Jr. From the public forum records, it was stated that Kalisto had become legal guardian of Modoru Jr. They were most likely in his lab.

Arriving now at Kalisto's lab around 11:30 in the morning, Modoru was approached by Valkyrie city military guards at the door.

"State your business," the guard said.

"I'm just here to see Kalisto if that's ok, tell him it's his old friend Modoru," lied Modoru. While it was true Modoru was using his real name, he had never met Kalisto. Modoru had hoped that Nokosu had previously informed Kalisto of Modoru and his adventures with him. As the guard called in to the lab, a response came back.

"It's ok, let him in," the voice said.

"Your clear, Mr. Modoru. Please head inside," the guard said. Modoru walked into the compound and up to the main gate. Knocking now, the door opened and a short old man with white hair who appeared to be in his late 80s answered.

"Ahh Modoru! It's good to finally meet you! I am Professor Kalisto, or just professor for short," said Kalisto as he welcomed in Modoru. "Nokosu said you'd be coming by to visit. A shame he isn't here now to welcome you, but my word you definitely took your time. Time isn't kind to an old man such as myself, especially when you spend 50 years waiting."

"Sorry to keep you waiting Professor, I was caught up….travelling of sorts," Modoru said not wanting to say the whole truth lest there be prying ears.

"Oh, I know you were caught up travelling in the timestream. Don't worry this place is eavesdrop free….except for maybe…" said Kalisto as he looked up the stairs and gestured to a small boy of about 8. He was wearing a blue hoodie and shorts, with Nokosu's old straw hat.

"Except for maybe me!" the boy said who ran down the stairs and to greet Modoru.

"Modoru, please let me introduce you to, Modoru Jr," Kalisto said as the boy walked up to stand beside Kalisto.

"Pleased to meet you Modoru Jr," Modoru said as he held out hand in handshake.

"And you as well," Modoru jr said as he shook Modoru's hand.