Chapter #4: The Hero

As the public C103 aircraft teleported through the air, many of its occupants chose to use what time they had to sleep. However, there was one person in particular who could not. May sat in the window seat of the aircraft and used the time she had for some self-reflection. Being Diviner's City military first squad had its prestige sure, but it didn't come without its fair share of downfalls. That being the workload. First squad always had the most missions to go on and a gold standard for being physically fit. The amount of time and work May had put into career didn't give her much room for anything else. But she didn't care. It was what her career provided her that was important to her. As a kid, May had always loved to play the hero. So much so that she was accustomed to getting into fights when she was a kid against school bullies. Even back then, May always had a strong sense of justice. It was what drove her. So, for the military to employ and allow her to exercise that, gave her a career a sense of meaning. Which was why these people that her uncle had run into made her blood boil. For her uncle to rot in jail for a crime he didn't fully commit, had outraged her. For all that she could gather, Modoru and Nokosu were scam artists and she was going to bring them to justice.

While the aircraft made its descent now, May ran over the plan in her head. She would need to head over to the military base in Valkyrie City and request to use their traffic camera access. From there, she would search until she found Modoru. 'Simple and easy,' she thought. Exiting the aircraft now and walking out of the terminal, she hailed a taxi.

"Where too Ms?" the driver asked.

"Valkyrie City military base please," May said.

"You got it," the driver said as he turned on the engine and car levitated and ported onto the roadway. Another 15 minutes passed and May arrived at the base. Thanking the driver, she approached the sentry.

"Who goes there?" the sentry asked.

"Diviner's City First squad soldier, May," May said as she flashed him her ID badge.

"What's first squad doing here?" the sentry said.

"I'm here on unofficial business, I just need access to your traffic cameras. I am in pursuit of a felon who's made his way here in Valkyrie City," May said.

"Alright Ms, we'll get you set up," the sentry said as he beckoned her into the base. The base was much like Diviner's City base. As they walked, they passed the mess hall and armory, finally arriving at the security office two levels up. "Take as much time as you need Ms," the sentry said as he closed the door. 'Good, now to get to work,' May thought. As she sat down at one of the desks in the office, her attention turned to the time first. 'If Modoru took the last public transit to Valkyrie City, he would've arrived around 9am…' she thought. Scrolling through the video tapes, she found the recordings for 9am. Sure enough she was right. A person who looked like Modoru had exited the terminal and hailed a taxi. 'Now to find out where the taxi is going….' she thought. Watching the rest of video, she followed Modoru's movements until he had arrived at a home lab owned by someone of the name Kalisto. During this time, she found out that he had ability to teleport as well, which gave her an inkling into his background. Only military are allowed to personally teleport with C.S devices, which inferred Modoru was Diviner's City military. Or at least ex-military. This made her think twice about approaching now and just arresting him. She would need to catch him off-guard, as going in straight might just scare him off. 'I'll scope out the lab, and find a time to capture him,' she thought. With that she turned off the video tapes, thanked the sentry for his help, and proceeded to travel to Kalisto lab for a stakeout.