Chapter #5: The Impending Disaster

After the group of three; Modoru, Professor Kalisto and Modoru Jr headed back to Kalisto's lab, Modoru Jr asked if Modoru wanted to hang out more. Kalisto asked Modoru Jr to wait for them at the balcony on the 2nd floor as he had some grown-up business to discuss with Modoru. Lamenting, but agreeing with his caretaker, Modoru Jr went upstairs.

"Now if you would please have a seat Modoru, we have much to discuss," Kalisto asked as he gestured to a table filled with papers and schematics.

"Sure thing professor, so what's so important we couldn't discuss in front of the kid," Modoru said as he sat down infront of Kalisto. Kalisto for the most part remained calm, fashioned a seat for himself as well, infront of Modoru. He put his glasses on now, interlaced both his hands, and started.

"I shall get to the point as quick as possible Modoru, as you might need time to process this. Myself and other scientists across the bastion cities have been monitoring astronomical data for a while now. 70 years to be exact – ever since the last asteroid shower. We have come to the conclusion that there will be another Xenophite meteor shower in 6 months. However, this time, it shall be on a much larger scale – to the point that if we don't do something, we as the human race, will be wiped out," Kaliso explained.

"….Shit…another one? Are you sure this is true?" Modoru asked.

"Yes. So much so that we have begun preparing for the last 50 years. Our plan of action involves that same prototype C.S device Nokosu engineered to bring you back to the future. After further testing and analysis, we have developed more of those same prototype C.S devices; with a new goal. They will now register an entire human body as a source of Xenophite. With this new function, someone using those C.S devices can theoretically teleport a massive amount of mass. Or in our case – a Bastion City." Kalisto explained even further.

"Teleporting a Bastion City. With someone's whole body linked to the C.S device. Wouldn't…Wouldn't that require the person be a source of Xenophite – like Nokosu was?" Modoru said.

"Exactly Modoru. Someone that has been exposed to the timestream and fused with Xenophite would be classified as having the Cascading Phenomena – as we now call it. However, the only person that was under the phenomena at our present time is Nokosu…who is no longer with us. That being said, we need more people who are under this phenomenon to power our prototype C.S devices. After cross city coordination, we have fashioned recruitment waves for each city's military. These recruitment waves shall find and recruit willing people to undergo the same accident that befell you and Nokosu. This time in more controlled setting, we shall intentionally fuse those select few who have volunteered with Xenophite, sending them through the timestream with a two-way portal to come back immediately. Once back, each person shall power a prototype C.S device in each bastion city to teleport the city away from the asteroid shower." Kalisto said.

"That's sounds hellishly difficult. We would need cross city communication and very controlled environment when they are travelling in the time stream. When Nokosu and I travelled back in time, he arrived 6 months before me," Modoru said.

"He mentioned as much, that's why were giving each person the same controlled amount of Xenophite on their person to fuse with themselves. By our calculations, they should all arrive in the same area and same time," Kalisto said. Having sensed this might have come out sooner or later, Modoru then stood and faced the professor.

"Ok professor, then as your first volunteer, I commit myself to this cause. As previous third squad military of Diviner's City, it really is my duty to help. And before you ask me to participate in the time travel experiment, I need to show you something," Modoru said as he took out a match. He lit it now and engulfed the flame in palm. Teleporting and disappearing a short distance away from Kalisto, he then walked back to his previous position and sat down. "As you can see, I'm under the Cascading Phenomena."

"I can see that….hmm, while I won't turn down a potential volunteer, I feel there is something else I should mention. Being under the Cascading Phenomena… shortens your life span. Only by a few years, but this is why Nokosu died so early in his time here." Kalisto said. After all the information that had been said today, Modoru found this one the most disturbing. No wonder Nokosu had died so early. And he was already under the Phenomena, so he was going to die early as well. Would he be ok with this? Modoru had just, in a sense, gotten his life back together and now it was being taken away again. What was with fate these days?

"No…no professor I won't shirk away from my responsibility to help. If I don't, then you'd have to find another person who is willing to shorten their life span. Don't. I promise I'll be there when the time comes." Modoru said confidently.

"Thank you Modoru, that means a lot." Kalisto said as he outstretched his hand for handshake to Modoru. "You're a good man."

"Thanks Professor. However, if you don't mind, I'm going to go to the balcony to think for a bit. I'll be right back, and then we can start on our tests if you need it." Modoru said.

"Sure thing Modoru, take your time." Kalisto said as he left the table now, heading over to his work station to prepare the tests.