Chapter #6: Inheritance

As Modoru took his five minutes to himself on the balcony, he lit a cigarette again and thought inwardly. This shocking news of the cascading phenomena shortening your life changed things. It was the weird fact that he would get to see Nokosu and Agatha again soon that shook him. Modoru didn't like being a fatalist about his impending death, because it sounded too dark. Rather he decided to look at it from a bright side. He missed Nokosu dearly, and that was a fact too. To be reunited with him sooner, even if it did come at the cost of shortening his life, brought some weird sense of relief. He touched the part of his chest that always ached when he thought of Nokosu. 'Guess we're going to see each other sooner than you think bro,' he thought. His reverie was interrupted by a slight tap on his arm.

"Hey, Modoru, are you ok?" Modoru Jr said.

"Oh, sorry I didn't see you there kid," Modoru said. "I was thinking about some things me and the professor discussed."

"You mean like the meteor shower?" Modoru Jr said.

"How do you know about that…?" Modoru asked. "Actually, never mind, I think I know."

"I have really good hearing, even from upstairs." Modoru Jr said.

"I figured as much," Modoru said.

"But are you ok? You don't seem fine." Modoru Jr said.

"I…...I just miss your dad kid. We were close. "Modoru confessed.

"Me too…. wait I have something for you," Modoru Jr said. He left for a quick 10 seconds and came back with two wrist devices. They were Nokosu's writs mounted lighters from years ago. "I saw you teleport downstairs; I think my dad might want you to have these."

"No….I can't…..are you sure?" Modoru asked sheepishly.

"Yes, maybe it'll help with you missing him," smiled Modoru Jr.

"Thanks kid, that means a lot," Modoru said as he inherited Nokosu's writs mounted lighters. "Ok, you want to head down stairs, the professor needs to run some tests on me."

"Sure," Modoru Jr said as he skipped ahead of Modoru. As Modoru started walking he thought, 'He's a good lad that one.' However, before Modoru could continue on following Modoru Jr. a figure moved from behind him. It had blonde hair and was clothed in black armor.