Chapter #7: May vs Modoru

As May appeared out of nowhere behind Modoru on the balcony, she raised her voice.

"Modoru! Your coming with me! Don't struggle too much, you won't win," May said.

"Hey! Who are you!" Modoru Jr said.

"Kid! Go downstairs and wait for me there, I don't think she's friendly." Modoru ordered.

"O..ok," said Modoru Jr who sounded scared. As Modoru Jr went down stairs, May spoke up again.

"I'm not here for the kid Modoru, I'm here for you. You deserve to serve time in Diviner's City for what you did 50 years ago. Now are you going to come quietly or not," May said. 50 years ago? Modoru clearly didn't' remember meeting a girl like her 50 years ago. How would she have known about what he did in the past. If she was implying that he needed to serve time, it would no less be about his actions against Shibuya. Modoru decided to probe a bit more.

"Who are you exactly?" Modoru said. "I might come quietly if I knew who you are."

"My name is May. Meishu is my uncle. I am Diviner's City military, first squad. And you are under arrest," May said. 'Shit,' Modoru thought. If she was related to Meishu than he must have sent her to apprehend him. And first squad no less. She must be better than him in combat. Not wanting to start a fight here in the lab, but realizing he had no time to entertain her either, Modoru tried to think of a way out. Professor Kalisto needed to run his tests as soon as possible. There were more important things at stake than just his outstanding crime against Shibuya. If there wasn't an impending disaster about to happen, Modoru might be more or less inclined to go with her quietly. Maybe he could convince her that he would come with her after this business with the meteor shower was over…

"Look May, I'm actually quite busy at the moment. I can explain everything if you stay, but your going to have to have to calm down," Modoru said with as much tact as possible.

"Don't tell me to calm down," May retorted. "I won't stand by while scam artists like you get away….no, on second thought, we're are going now. Whether you like it or not." May then turned her C.S device on and got into a kickboxing stance. Modoru for the most part reacted instinctively and got into a defensive stance. May then ported toward him and launched a very fast left jab to his face. Modoru blocked but did not anticipate her follow up. May immediately continued her assault with a high right kick. Connecting hard, Modoru bent over from the impact. She was strong too… this was the skill of first squad. Not letting up her offense, May executed a three punch combo. By this time, Modoru could tell his mouth was cut and his face was bruised. She had done that all in the span of 5 seconds. Modoru decided to create space, as fighting in here would more advantageous to her because she had a C.S device. Backing off from May now, he quickly reached into his pocket and lit a match. Engulfing it in his palm, he ported forward across the room, into air outside the second-floor balcony. "Oh, you're not getting away that easily," May said as she followed his port with one of her own. Appearing right beside Modoru in the air, she grabbed his right arm and locked both of them in a hold. Modoru then realized what she was trying to do. May was planning on landing on the ground with Modoru going shoulder first. He struggled against her grip to no avail. As they fell, she maneuvered her body so that she would remain on top. Modoru could tell her fine-tuned body control was better than his. All he could do was brace for impact. As they landed, Modoru's shoulder hit the ground hard and he could hear a solid 'pop'. The pain came next and he knew he had dislocated his shoulder. Barely being able to stand now, Modoru looked up and as May brought a front kick directly to his face again, knocking him out cold.