Chapter #8: Gaining an Ally

As May sat in the aisle seat of the C103 public aircraft, many people looked onward. Modoru who had many cuts and bruises on his face was knocked out cold from their fight. She had brought him on the aircraft via wheelchair and had told the guards the truth about their current arrangement. That she was bringing back a scam artist who had broken the law; to face prison time in Diviner's City.

Modoru who finally came too very slowly, groggily realized he was in handcuffs. Touching his shoulder now, he felt it some pain and mostly swelling in his left shoulder. Yes, it was dislocated.

"Man, you sure are determined to get me charged," Modoru said as he finally sat up in his seat.

"Determined and willing," May said. "I am sure you can't relate."

"Actually, I can. That was how I acted in the first place when I committed my crime 50 years ago. You see May, when I stole the Xenophite, I was time travelling." Modoru revealed.

"Now that's an excuse I've never heard before," mocked May. "Ok, I'll entertain you Modoru, how in the world did you come to time travelling." Modoru had decided that, if was going to finally serve time for what he and Nokosu did, then he would at least have someone know the full story. And with that, Modoru started. He told May of his history with Diviner's City military and how the initial accident befell himself and Nokosu. He told her of his adventures in Diviner's City before getting their jobs at Shibuya. May mostly remained attentive, her initial visage of mockery turning into interest. Finally, Modoru told her of their successful attempt at stealing the Xenophite and the years after.

"As you can see May, I'm not a scam artist. Technically, I am just a thief in plain sight, but even that isn't really the truth. Myself and Nokosu were the victims of an unfortunate accident that displaced us in the time stream. We were just trying to get back home. Plain and simple. I'm sure you've heard of the recruitment waves in each city; for a special project that relates too time travel, right? That project is based off of our mishap 50 years ago." Modoru explained. May's entire body language had changed, a minute ago she was completely hostile to him, but now it looked like she had at least decided to give him the time of day.

"I've heard of the recruitment waves for that project, but I didn't realize it was because of you and Nokosu," May said.

"It is. And Meishu….Meishu was just an unfortunate hiccup with our plans. I understand he was just doing his job to catch us, but his actions of destroying the Xenophite set back everything we had tried to accomplish. Like I said, we were victims. Not perpetrators. If Meishu had known, hell I'm sure he'd have tried to help us. There's justice to be had against us, yes. But there is also justice to be had from what Meishu did and what me and Nokosu were fighting for – which was to go home," explained Modoru. Afterward, May looked away and thought inwardly for a moment. Looking back at him now, Modoru knew he was looking at the real May.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm still wary of you Modoru. But your story makes a lot of sense. Too much sense in fact to be a complete fabrication. I'm not a bad person, I am just doing my due diligence as a niece and as a soldier – fighting for justice. Now I know you can relate." May said.

"I can…..does this mean you'll let me go? Because I have more information for you that you might not be aware of," Modoru said.

"What else is there?" May asked. And Modoru went on to discuss Kalisto's plan and the impending disaster that was the next meteor shower. To this May very visually reacted in surprise and concern; Modoru noting that she had not known about this. It would make sense the military not advertise the entire reason for the recruitment waves, lest panic set in on the populace.

"This is why I need to be let go, I am a volunteer for the project now," Modoru said.

"Modoru…if I let you go, you have to promise me one thing," May said.

"What's that?" Modoru said.

"After this business with the meteor shower is over, you'll come and settle things with my uncle. He means a lot to me, and I'd rather him not spend the rest of his life in jail for something he has served enough of already," May explained.

"Ok, I promise. After we save the human race, I'll help exonerate your uncle. Who knows maybe they might not give me a sentence after they find out I helped with meteor shower," Modoru said.

"Ok, there's just one more piece of business to be had," said May.

"And what's that?" Modoru said.

"Let me fix that shoulder of yours," May said.

"Do you know how?" Modoru asked.

"Yes," May said as she gently touched his shoulder. Holding her palm steady now she said "Ok, I'm going to pop it back into the socket on three. One…." On one she pushed hard and Modoru could feel a 'pop' as his shoulder went back into place. There was a bit of jarring pain that Modoru did not expect.

"Owwww….you said three!" Modoru exclaimed.

"Oh, it's better that you don't expect the pain, don't be a baby," May said with smile she couldn't hide.

"Fine… I'm guessing we should head back to Valkyrie City now," Modoru sheepishly

"Yes, lets." May said.