Chapter #12: The Looters

"Who was that?" May asked.

"Not sure, but they have Grieger. We need to get him, and get out of the past in one piece. We don't have time for this, there are more important matters to attend too and Kalisto needs us back at the lab pronto." Modoru said.

"I agree, sticky situation we have here. But we need a plan of action." Yori said.

"So, What's the plan Mr," May said who looked at Modoru.

"Ok. They said there holding Grieger at gunpoint. I suggest we take three angles of attack. Once we get to Grieger and front of the house, I'll take their attention. With my C.S device, I'll teleport in circles in front of them, drawing their fire. Yori, I want you to disable each gunman from his gun. May you use your kickboxing and subdue each assailant. We should have no trouble taking them out." Modoru said.

"I like it. I get to have some exercise now," May said as she cracked a knuckle.

"Don't worry about their guns then, I'll have them disabled in a jiffy." Yori said with a smile.

"Good. Let's go." As group of three headed out to the front of the still unfinished house, they were flooded by lights from two cars. Modoru's sight was slightly blinded but he did his best to count the assailants. They totaled up to five. Each with a trained gun on the group. As one of the assailants walked up to them, he spoke.

"So, we're going to need you surrender these shiny devices you guys are carrying," he said as he held up Grieger's C.S device. "I am sure it'll fetch a pretty penny in the wastelands."

"We don't have time for this...there are five of them. Stick to the plan. On my go…..Go!" Modoru whispered as he and the group simultaneously turned on their C.S devices and ported into battle. Modoru used the same evasive technique he and Nokosu had used years before, porting upward, right, left, and upward again – confusing the gunmen on his position. It was Yori and May that impressed him. Yori and May although never having worked together before, ported to each assailant and worked as team. Yori appeared in front of the surprised gunmen, disabling the gun they were holding. May appearing behind them knocking them out with one side kick to the head. The whole fight last no more than 10 seconds as the speed and skill of their military training did the work. As they finished, the entire clearing was filled with looters on the ground writhing in pain or knocked out.

"Good job guys, I'm sorry I couldn't help. I teleported farther than I had intended and ran into these looters," Grieger said, "They took my C.S device and held me a gunpoint."

"It's all good Grieger, we got you out unharmed." Modoru said. "Now let's get out here before something else happens."

"Agreed," both May and Yori said. Each group member then used their C.S devices and generated a cascading stream portal back to the future.