Chapter #11: Back to the Past

As Modoru landed on the ground, he planted his feet and stopped himself from falling over. Around him the rest of the group landed as well, feet first. It was telling of their skill at body control because travelling through the cascading stream yielded quite a bit of vertigo. Greiger and Yori must be high ranking military for them to adapt to an unknown circumstance so quickly. This already excluded May who he was well aware of her body control. Moving on, Modoru surveyed his surroundings. This was professor Kalisto's lab, however still during its construction. The frame of the house was still open and was only built until one floor only. The site itself had no ceiling yet either, revealing the cold night air. Modoru resolved to quickly confirm the results of their experiment, lest something happen. He had a sinking feeling in his stomach as he remembered his shock of being stuck in the past. 'Yeah, that's not happening again,' Modoru thought.

"May, Greiger, Yori, is everyone alright?" Modoru said.

"Yes sir," Grieger said.

"Can confirm," May said.

"Nothing seems out of the ordinary," Yori said.

"Good, now we need to confirm you whether you fused with Xenophite. I have a couple of matches on me. This is how its going to work. Because Xenophite teleports when heated, as you all know, if you hold a heat source close yourself – you yourself will teleport. Because we used 50 grams of Xenophite, only a match should be enough to trigger your teleportation. Don't worry about feeling hurt by the heat, there should only a tingling feeling down your spine. Come quickly." Modoru explained as he took out matches for the group. As they gathered around Modoru, he lit a match for each of them and asked them to engulf their hands around the flame. Each member of the group held their hands over their respective matches and teleported a short distance away from Modoru.

"Very convenient," May said as she slowly walked back to Modoru

"Interesting," Yori said as he came up from behind May.

"Wait where's Grieger?" Modoru said. As they waited for Grieger, Modoru decided to radio him. "Grieger? Grieger come in. We're waiting for you at the same spot in the house…" No response came back. Modoru had another sinking feeling his stomach. Why did something always have to happen when he time travelled? Just as Modoru was about to send out the group for a search, there came a crackle on the radio.

"Hello, we have your big friend. He's at gunpoint right now. If you want him to live, you'd better come out to the front of the house…thanks!" said a voice.