Chapter #10: Meeting of the Bastion Cities

Over the next few days, Kalisto went over the details of the experiment with Modoru before the representatives arrived. Each volunteer would be outfitted with their own prototype C.S device. Modoru would power one cascading stream portal for all of them to go through. There would be a constant amount of Xenophite stored in each device allowing them all to react to the same amount of Xenophite. This was paramount as not only did they need exact amounts of exposure, but arriving at the same time in the time stream required the same amount Xenophite as well. The amount would be about 50 grams of the raw material. The goal was to power a cascading stream portal back in time 50 years, to their chosen location. Then power another portal back home, without wasting any time. Simple and easy. As the volunteers arrived now, 2 men entered the lab. One was 6 feet tall, taller than Modoru. The other was a man of shorter stature, about an inch shorter than Modoru. The taller one went up to group first and introduced himself.

"My name is Grieger, and I'm the volunteer for Wanderer's City. I have been briefed on what's to happen am ready for anything." Greiger said.

"And my name is Yori," the shorter man said. "Volunteer for Settler's city. Let's save the earth, shall we?" Modoru and the group welcomed them as they all got set up at the lab's workstation.

"Ok everyone, Modoru here will be leading the charge. Follow him and you should be fine," Kalisto ordered.

"Yes professor," all the volunteers said. May, who was standing beside Modoru whispered in his ear.

"Don't screw up Mr.," she whispered. Modoru smiled to her.

"I'll try not to," he said. Turning on his prototype C.S device now, the device began generating a transparent type of glue in-front of them. Modoru spoke up to the group. "Ok folks, No muss to fuss, let's keep this quick and concise. When we enter the portal, there will be some vertigo. Try to land on your feet, as landing on your side might break the C.S device. Keep your eye for me when we arrive." Modoru then stepped through the portal and disappeared.