Chapter #6: The Enemy of my Enemy

"Uncle?!" May said as she ran over to the door and hugged him.

"Hey kid, how's it going?" Meishu said with a smile. Modoru and Kalisto headed over to the door as well to welcome him.

"Meishu! So glad to have an extra pair of hands on us!" Kalisto said. "I trust you brought the other officers from Shibuya with you?" Meishu broke his hug from his niece and addressed Kalisto.

"Yes professor. They are waiting outside." Meishu said as he looked at Modoru now. "Modoru seems we'll be working together for now"

"Seems so Meishu," Modoru said tenuously.

"You two play nice now, on my orders," May said with a smile to both of them.

"Sure," they both said.