Chapter #7: The Ambush

Under the cover of night, Modoru, May, Taicho, and the rest of the platoon officers from Shibuya started their approach of Wanderer's city in a C101 military aircraft. However, 30 minutes into their flight, their sensors noticed another incoming C101 military aircraft from Wanderer's City. Military protocol stated that aircrafts passing each other should announce their intentions before moving forward. This aircraft however was not hailing any sort of signal as per protocol. In fact, it was heading straight towards Modoru and the rest of the group without stopping.

"What's with that aircraft?" Taicho said as he went up to front where the pilot was.

"Not sure sir," the pilot said. "We're trying to hail them, but they aren't answering."

"Come up beside them, it looks like they have stopped moving as well," Taicho said. As both aircrafts came up beside one another. There came a hail on the radio.