Chapter #14: Subterfuge

Walking down a corridor now within the central research lab, May lead the way. As she did, a voice piped up on her radio.

"Modoru, May come in!" Taicho radioed. Taking cover behind a corner of the hallway they were in, May responded.

"Taicho, were here. We've just infiltrated the lab from the 3rd floor. What are our orders?" May said.

"Capture Ryaku through any means necessary. However, I would suggest to keeping things as quiet as possible. We have dealt with as many of the looters as possible from the outside. His attention should be on us, not you. You two are our ace in the hole. Make it happen. Taicho out." Taicho said.

"I have an idea May," Modoru said.

"As much as I didn't like how your last idea turned out, I'm listening," May said.

"It's simple," Modoru shrugged. "We dress as looters, capture Ryaku, and order an immediate surrender while holding Ryaku at gunpoint."