Chapter #15: The Capture of Ryaku

"Ryaku should be holed up in the main floor of the compound. When we get there, don't approach him right away. Find where Grieger is. I'll handle Ryaku," Modoru said through hushed breath to May. Walking down several flights of stairs to the main floor, May followed closely behind him.

"Shouldn't we just port to him and be done with it?" May asked.

"I wouldn't. We would draw too much attention to ourselves. We want this to be clean, easy, and covert," Modoru said.

"Ok Mr, lead on," May said. As the two descended into a room full of looters now, shouting could be heard from the back of the room.

"I want everyone to secure this room! They are not getting inside!" Ryaku said.

"Sir what about our people outside?" said one looter.