Chapter #16: Karma

As Modoru tied Ryaku's wrists behind wrist ties, Ryaku began addressing his consort. He ordered an immediate surrender to the platoon of soldiers outside as well as retreat of the new reinforcements. As well, he let Grieger out of their custody – who was now awake and receiving first aid from one of the looters. As a myriad of people exited the complex now, with Modoru leading the charge, Rykau was in custody. They met up with Taicho and the rest of the soldiers.

"Good job Modoru, May," Taicho said as he went up to them and pat them both on the back. "I wouldn't have expected nothing less from you two."

"Thanks, Taicho," May said.

"Taicho, I need to speak with you before we finalize Ryaku's capture," Modoru said.

"What's up?" Taicho asked.

"In agreement for his surrender, I made some terms of negotiation with Ryaku," Modoru said.

"What were they?" Taicho said.