Chapter #1: On the Up and Up

Sitting now in the back of the C101 military aircraft, Modoru smiled. The rest of its occupants consisted of Taicho and the officers from Shibuya – all of whom were celebrating and talking amongst themselves. They had just saved humanity. What a time to be alive! From another meteor shower no less as well. Modoru could not shake the feeling that things were on the up and up from here. While he badly wanted to participate in the festivities of the aircraft, there was one other thing on his mind. It had to do with a certain someone who was absent at this moment.

As May exited the bathroom from the aircraft now, Modoru sat up straighter. It had been a while since he had a date with a girl – let alone a girl as pretty as May. He looked at her as she walked to the seat next to him. He smiled at her and she returned it. Sitting now, she eased into his company like slipping into a comfortable bed.

"Well hello there Mr," May said playfully.