Chapter #2: Party Crashers

As Modoru stepped off the aircraft and into the hustle and bustle of the terminal, he couldn't help but shake a new feeling for himself. It surged upwards from his center and cascaded outward until he felt it all over his body. Embracing it, he added a bounce in his step and walked through the terminal with purpose. It was hope. Hope for the future. Of himself, of his new allies, and of the bastion cities. There was a new sense of purpose as well, he believed, as for once in recent memory he was not bound by any sort of project. Or a victim of any mishap. Indeed, he was free. As if to agree with him, after exiting the terminal and walking onto the curb outside; the sun reached its zenith and shone brightly high in the sky. May who had been right behind him, propped herself up beside him and playfully nudged him in the side.

"So…Mr Modoru. Any plans for yourself now that we've saved humanity?" May asked.