The beautiful eyes looked around; she walked inside, holding her luggage. She found a note on the cupboard she took it and read, "Put your sandal here." She takes off her sandal and puts it in the cupboard, and walks inside.

It's a beautiful apartment with big rooms. The Squared hall looks so beautiful, with its interior work.

There is a beautiful sofa placed on one of the corners, and another corner, there is a dinner table with four chairs. She saw a fish tank near the dinner table, and a note was attached there too. She took it and read, "Don't touch my babies." She smiled, looking at the goldfishes.

She walks towards the kitchen. It's a good looking kitchen with all the equipment. There is a note on the fridge; she took it and read, "The upper half of the fridge is mine, you can use the lower half, don't touch my things." She opened the fridge and laughed; it's only a few sandwiches and juice in the upper half.

She noticed a note on one of the juice bottles, she took the bottle and read, "It's your welcome gift." She opened the bottle cap and drank it. She felt refreshed; it's her favorite mango juice.

She walks towards the room, holding the bottle. She found a note in front of the room she took, and read, "It's my room, the opposite one is yours."

She walked towards the opposite room and opened the door. She entered inside, and put her luggage in the corner, and looked around her room.

'It's beautiful,' she said.

There is a big and beautiful bed near the glass window. The sunlight falls from the glass window to her bed; she found it as a cute thing. There is a study table with plain glass and a beautiful wooden chair. And a big cupboard is placed near to the table, where she can put her books and other things.

In another corner, there is another beautiful cupboard with a glass door where she can put her dress; and a small table, and a chair is attached with it, where she can put her stuff and do makeup.

She opened the door of the washroom, it looked beautiful and clean with a nice smell.

And there is a sofa near the glass window of the balcony, and the opposite of that, a big TV is placed on the wall.

She walks near to the glass door of the balcony and opens it. Its pleasant beauty outside with fresh air, no sound of fast-moving vehicles, she can enjoy the beauty of nature from there. She looked outside, and she could see the Seoul international university from there.

*Ring* *Ring*

Her phone rang. And she picked it and said, Hello.

'Did you get there?' the landlady Maria asked.

'Yes,' she replied.

'Aira baby, Did you like the apartment? ' the landlady Maria asked.

'Maria aunty, Yes, I love it lots, it's so beautiful,' Aira replied.

The roommate that landlady Maria told to Angel was Aira.

'Feel free there; think it as your own house, Aira baby, and if anything, make a call to me, I will come fast like a wind,' Maria said.

'Sure, aunty, thank you so much,' Aira replied.

'Awww Aira baby, don't say thank you, I'm the one who needs to thank you and your mother for my entire life. Me and my daughter would not be alive today if not your mother helped me on that day,' Maria said.



The landlady Maria and her 20 years old daughter Angel met a tragedy four years ago in Seoul. Her husband died in a car accident when he tried to save a boy. Her husband Benjamin was a police officer, and his death report was saying his death is not normal, it's an attempt of murder, but unfortunately, the case closed without finding of the truth, she spent all her money in running his case. After his death, they become homeless, and they don't have money to live on.

One day Samira accidentally met Maria on the roadside. And she is surprised after seeing her situation, the happily living Maria becomes a beggar and the luxury house becomes a shed, and her beautiful cloth becomes a thrown one, the bright smile that Maria used to have become a miserable smile with wet eyes.

Aira's Mom, Samira, and the landlady Maria were the college mate and a good friend of hers. Samira decided to help her by giving the apartment to her, which is about to sell. Maria rejected the offer because she already decided to end her and her daughter's life. So she thought it's no meaning in getting help.

She shouted at Samira and said to get out from there. Samira looked at her in a sad face and went out. But she forgot to take her car key from there. So she came back and saw, and Maria and Angel lying on the floor, blood gushing from their mouths. Samira ran towards them and called the ambulance.

Samira saved their life. If she had arrived a minute late, they would not be alive today. And she helped her to find a job. And Maria bought the apartment from Samira with her own money one year ago.

End of Flashback.


'Maria aunty can you do me a favor,' Aira asked.

'Just tell me, Aira Baby, I will do it,' Maria said.

'Aunty, can you keep my identity as a secret, and please accept rent too,' Aira said.

'I will accept the first favor request; for the second one, I won't agree,' Maria said.

'Maria aunty, Please accept it; otherwise, I won't stay here; Then I will move out if you won't accept,' Aira said.

'Aira baby, don't need to move out, I will accept, then only pay me half rent,' Maria said.

'Deal aunty, I will hang up now, bye aunty,' Aira said.

'Bye, Aira baby, take care of yourself, if anything wanted, don't forget to call me,' Maria said.

'Okay, Maria aunty,' Aira said, and hung up the phone.

She put the phone on the table and started to arrange her stuff. She took the red cactus from the Bag and put it on the table and looked at it with wet eyes and a miserable smile.


Why wet eyes with miserable smile?

What exactly happened?

To find, read the next chapter…


"Sometimes, some situations make your bright smile into a miserable smile with wet eyes."