The table is full of files; it looks like a hill. She looked at it, with a shocking eye, and said to herself, 'now time to begin the war. Start the work, angel.'

She starts to read the file, and within two hours, she finished all her work. The young man next door is watching her through the glass door. He planned it all; he said to the staff to send all the files to her for checking because he wants to monitise her capability.

She went to see the manager and said to him all the files are checked and finished.

The manager looked at her with surprising eyes, and asked, 'you finished it all?'

She said, 'yes.'

He said, 'let me check.' He checked it, and he said, 'it's strange.' Both walked to the CEO's room, and the manager said to the CEO, 'Sir, she finished all in two hours.'

It's made a great impression on the CEO.

The CEO Young man next door said, 'within two hours that is strange; let me check.

Everything is clear and perfect; she is not an ordinary girl, the young man next door said in his mind.

'Let's check her capabilities,' the young man next door said. He starts to ask questions about the files, and she answers all like a printing machine is printing the given document.

That surprises the CEO Young man next door and the manager.

One of the supernatural qualities Angel has is she only takes a few minutes to read it all, and she can remember all the things she reads. But she can't remember it the next day. She will forget all the words she read yesterday. That is a big problem for her. She suffers from a type of brain illness because the incident happened four years ago. None knows about her defects, and she hid it from everyone. Only she and her mother know about it. And she tries to manage herself every day, with a small dairy; she notes any essential things in there.

The CEO asked her in a teasing voice, 'are u a robot?'

The manager laughed. But Angel didn't laugh; she didn't find it funny.

She asked, 'if nothing else can I…'

The young man next door said, 'sure, and bring me a cup of coffee.'

She went to get coffee. She accidentally hears some staff talking. It's about her.

They are saying she gets the job because she seduces the CEO with her charm; otherwise, a non-experienced girl would never get that position.

'There is something; that's why the white dragon gives her job,' one of the staff said. Another one said, 'my god, look what I found.' She showed the trending video and pic. It was a photo and video of the accidental kiss of the CEO and angel. 'Now I get why she got the job; that evil bitch,' the staff said.

Angel walked towards them like she heard nothing. After seeing Angel, they become silent. Angel takes the coffee from the coffee maker, and she walks towards them, and she deliberately poured the coffee to that bad tongue staff.

Bad tongue staff became silent after that and angrily said, 'I will kill you, devil,' and she screamed.

'You deserve it,' Angel said and took another coffee, and proudly walked to her CEO's cabin.

The CEO saw all these dramas through the CCTV footage on the computer, and he laughed and said, 'now you become look like my original secretary.' And He smirks.

She knocked on the CEO's door and asked, 'may I come in.'

The young man next door said, 'come in.'

She said, 'Sir, your coffee.'

The young man next door said, 'put it on the table.'

She put it and went outside.

She enters into her cabin, and pushes away her chair, and says, 'that bad tongue brat, how dare she?'

Angel took her phone, it's a ten miss call from his boyfriend. And she got a message in WeChat; she read it, 'let's break up.'

The dating life which she just started about to end without reason. She wants to cry but the time and place won't be allowing her. She doesn't like to mix personal and professional life together. So she acted as nothing happened. The pain she hides inside and starts to do her work. She just smiled.

But she was angry at one thing that the people all misunderstood her. She got her job because of her intelligence and smart work. She felt uncomfortable there; it felt like people were laughing behind her.

She looks sad. Suddenly someone knocks on her door, and asks, 'may I come in.'

Angel said, 'yes, come in.'

A girl with a pretty smile entered the cabin. The girl is about Angel's age, and she looks cute with her cute smile and the straight short hair makes her face even beautiful. She introduced herself; she is the assistant secretary, Rima. She is on leave for the past two days. She is a very kind personality from her look; anyone can say that this girl has some willpower. It's like a strong character.

Will that girl become an angel or become a devil for Angel?


Aira looked at the room in thought and asked herself where to start.

'Okay, let's start with the luggage,' she said and opened the luggage. She took all the clothes one by one and hung them on the cupboard.

'The clothing arrangements finished, let's arrange the books,' she said, and she took each book and put it in the book cupboard.

'Finished,' she said, and looked at the luggage; the last item is still there, she took it. It's the silver box; she held the silver box close to her heart. And she said, 'you're the most precious thing in my life.' She put it in the drawer carefully and touched her necklace.

She said to herself, 'don't be in a sad mood again, Aira; you have lots of work to do, tomorrow your class will begin, so let's get work.'

She quickly took the new bed sheet and pillow cover from the cupboard and put it on the bed, and then she changed the old bed sheet and pillow cover into a new one, and she neatly put the blanket on the bed. 'It's all set,' she said, looking at the bed. The bed was looking beautiful with that light green color bed sheet and pillow.

She then starts to wipe the floor and wipe the mirror. All finished her room shining with happiness.

She went near to the balcony, wiping her sweat, and looked around; it's already noon. Her stomach just made a growling sound. She is hungry, but nothing to eat. She went back to the room, and picked the juice bottle, and drank it all at once but still, her stomach made a growling sound because she didn't eat her breakfast, and now it's time for the launch. She decided to go out and buy something.

She went to take a shower, and after that, she got ready herself and went shopping. She went to the supermarket and brought all the essential things.

Suddenly, she saw someone from long he looked like the person which she drew on the canvas. She ran towards him, but he went out of the supermarket.

She ran outside, she looked around, but she saw none and only saw fast walking people, he disappeared. She just smiled.

Who was the person Aira saw at the supermarket?


Will Aira and Lar meet?

Will Angel succeed in hiding her supernatural qualities?

What going to happen in her employee life?

Let's read to find out...


"Sometimes we become an Eccedentesiast someone who hides pain behind a smile."