The eyes were full of ambition, and it shining with happiness. Aira is looking very charming. Everyone in college is looking at her like they saw a fairy for the first time.

Suddenly, someone came by running and bumped into her. Both fell down. The boys were waiting to get a chance to come near Aira, came running, and asked are okay need help. She said, 'I'm okay, thanks.' After hearing her cute voice, they become a dead body.

'Are you okay?' the girl asked and helped her to get up.

Aira said, 'I'm okay, what about you, are you okay?'

'I'm okay; Sorry; I need to go,' the girl said and ran fast from there.

Aira turned around and looked at her and just smiled. Aira walks towards the principal's room. And knock on the door and ask may I come in.

The principal said, 'yes, come in, in a sharp voice.'

She opened the door and entered the principal room.

She smiled at him brightly and called nana.

The principal, Professor Davis seams in a serious mood; he didn't smile back.

Professor Davis is the old friend of her grandfather, he is like a family member for them. Aira calls him Nana from the child. He treats her like his own granddaughter.

Aira just looked at him in pounding lips and gave a natural imbecile smile.

'He said, 'stop trying to change my mind.' You lack the good beat, Aira baby; what you did was not the right thing to do,' Professor Davis said.

Aira imbecile smiled and said, 'Nana, I'm sorry, let's not talk about the past. I'm okay now, look you can see.' She turned around and said, 'see, I'm perfectly alright.'

Professor Davis said, 'If I had not seen you that day, how would they know about you? You did not inform them. What will your parents do if something unusual happens? Did you not think? You made everyone worried. Don't do such stupid things again. '



A day before poppy came into the hospital…

Professor Davis's wife was hospitalized because of a sudden heart attack. She was admitted to the hospital, and she is in the ICU. The professor was standing outside the ICU, with tensions.

Suddenly a patient was brought out of the ICU. The professor saw a person lying down on a stretcher. The professor saw the person's face. He felt he saw her somewhere; he followed them and found out that it was Aira baby. The granddaughter of the most famous person in Korea and the next heir of the JOA group, one of the number one business groups in the world.

He makes a phone call to the mansion, and the poppy picks it. And he informed him about Aira. Because of Professor Davis, they found Aira.


End of flashback

'Nana, forgive me this time. Okay, I won't do it again,' Aira said.

Professor said your dad called me and said you are joining today.

'Be happy here, anything bothering happened then tell me, my baby,' said in patting on Aira's head. Everyone loves Aira so much. She is a baby for everyone.

Aira smiled and said, 'nana, one favor I need from you.'

'Tell me, Aira baby,' the professor said.

'Nana, can you keep my identity as a secret; I don't want any disturbance or any special treatment. I want to experience my campus life as a normal student. And enjoy every moment. Can you do that for me?' Aira said.

The professor said, 'Sure, but if anything happens, I will reveal it, okay.'

Aira said, 'thank you, nana, love you lots.'

Professor said, 'call me, professor.'

Aira smiled and said, okay, professor. I'm going to class, bye na... sorry professor. Professor laughed and said, 'call me Nana when no one is around.'

Aira said, 'okay, nana bye.'

The professor said in his mind you're just like your mother, the favor she asked me when she first joined here. You really grow up Aira baby I can't believe.

Aira walked through the verandah; everyone was looking at her cute face and murmuring, so pretty. It's about the time to begin class. Only 15 minutes left. Aira finally found her class. She entered the class and the class became pin drop silence. Everyone is looking at her.

She felt awkward, she smiled strangely, and walked to find an empty seat; She got a middle seat; Placed near the window. She sits on it and puts her backpack on the table. The boy sitting in front of her turned and introduced himself, 'Hi, I'm Roy.' Aira said with a slight smile, 'Hi.'

The boys in class one by one came near Aira and started to introduce themselves. She felt awkward and mostly irritated. And she forcefully gave an imbecile smile at them.

'Good morning,' suddenly the professor came to the class.

Everyone rushed to their seat and stood up and greeted him.

He said, 'I'm the tutor of your class. My name is he starts to write it on the black board everyone reads it loudly, Professor Steven.' Professor Steven turned around with a smile and said, 'be friendly with my class, but I'm really strict.'

Professor said let's start with the introduction.

Suddenly a girl came running and asked, 'Sir, May I come in.'

The professor Steven turned around and looked at her. And looked at the watch and he asked what time does the class starts?

She said, 'nine.'

He asked, 'what is the time now?'

She looked at her watch and said, '9:10 am.'

You are ten minutes late; and interrupting my class, and wasting my time.

She said, 'sorry, professor; I forgot to take my id card, and I went to take it; that's why I'm late.' She looks down.

Professor Steven said, 'okay; I forgive you; don't repeat it again.'

She said, 'okay, professor.'

'Now get into the class,' the professor Steven said.

She looked at everyone staring at her. It's all an unfamiliar face. Suddenly she found a familiar face and only the seat beside her was vacant. She sits there and then talks to the person sitting beside her. 'Hi, I'm Dilna; we meet in the morning,' she said.

'Haa, I remember, you're the one who bumped into me,' Aira said.

Dilna said, 'I'm sorry for that.'

Aira said, 'it's okay, I'm Jomaira; you can call me Aira.'

Keep silent, the professor shouted. And he calls one by one for self-introduction. The professor asked Aira to give her a self-introduction. As she stood up, the talking class became silent. And they started to stare at her. She said hello to everyone. After hearing her sweet voice, the boys and some girls in the class make a sound like wowaaaa.

Professor said, keep silent and said to Aira, 'you continue.'

She said, I'm Jomira; you can call me Aira; I'm from Landon; my home town in Busan.

Suddenly someone asked do you have a boyfriend?

The professor shouted, 'who is that; get up from your seat.' The class becomes silent.

The professor said to Aira, 'return to your seat. Aira said, 'thank you; I hope my college life is happy and I get a lot of friends. 'Everyone gives her a round of applause. She walks to her seat.

The professor said, 'the late one, give your intro.'

Dilna sat there like the professor is not calling her. The professor walked towards her and put his hand on the bench. She looked up and suddenly stood up from her seat. The professor asked, did you not hear? Give your self-introduction. She smiled shyly and walked to the front and stood there.

Dilna said, 'hey buddies, how are you all? It's Dilna, in a cool way.' Everyone in the class laughed. But Aira likes her coolness. Professor said, 'back to your seat, that's good for the class.' Everyone laughed.

The professor called the last person in the class to give self-introduction. He is sitting in the last seat. When he stood up, the class became silent in fear. Aira and Dilna looked at him.

Aira asked Dilna, 'who is he? Why does everyone look scared?

Dilna said, 'I don't know; I'm new as you.'

Both laughed but the sound was a little high. The boy who is going to give self-introduction gives a dead look to them. Dilna said, 'OMG, that's scary.'

Who is that Scary boy?


Why did the boy give a dead look to Aira and Dilna? What did he mean by that?

Will Aira enjoy her campus life peacefully?

To find out, read the next chapter.


"Sometimes we need to give a forcefully imbecile smile to avoid someone. Sometimes we need to give a natural imbecile smile to get attention."