The professor called the last person in the class to give self-introduction. He is sitting in the last seat. When he stood up, the class became silent in fear. Aira and Dilna looked at him.

Aira asked Dilna, 'who is he? Why does everyone look scared?

Dilna said, 'I don't know; I'm new as you.'

Both laughed but the sound was a little high. The boy who is going to give self-introduction gives a dead look to them. Dilna said, 'OMG, that's scary.'

The boy walked to the front and stood in the middle and said I'm Mason and went to his seat. Professor looked at him and said okay.

Mason is the son of one of the directors of the college. He is a bad guy who always fights around. And it's his second year in this same class. He failed last time and ended up in the first year class. Everyone in the college knows about him. He is known for his evil-doer and has become famous. The students in the college call him evil secretly, and he is evil in heaven. He doesn't have a heart nor has feelings.

He is looking at Dilna and Aira sitting in the back seat. Dilna turned back and saw he was looking at them. She said to Aira what's wrong with him, he is looking at us. Aira said don't look back.

The bell rang, the first class of the first day ended.

A few minutes later, Dilna again looks back at Mason. He is still staring. But she saw every boy in the class staring too. They are staring at Aira. But the Mason staring at both.

Aira said to Dilna, stop looking.

Dilna asked the girl sitting in front of her do you know about Mason, why are you all scared? The girl said to Aira and Dilna about him.

'Aishh, silly matter, he is just my cup of tea, even I can beat two boys at a time,' Dilna said.

Aira laughed and said, 'then I will give you my moral support. I'm a black belt in marshalls.'

The boy sitting in front of Aira turned around when he heard that. Aira saw that he is a little scared.

'I will beat them to death who disturb me,' Aira said to Dilna, and funnily smiled inside her mind.

The news about her black belt spread in class within a minute. And the boys who started staring at her suddenly stop staring. Dilna and Aira both laughed. But still, Mason is staring at them.

'Aishh, that damn boy, let me handle him,' Dilna said, and she stood up.

Suddenly, the professor Vincent came to class and greeted everyone.

Professor Vincent is the most experienced professor of the college.

Aira becomes happy after seeing him. Her idol is standing in front of her. She can't explain the feeling.

Professor Vincent saw Aira, and he felt he saw her somewhere. He walked towards her and asked, 'did we meet before.'

Aira stood up from her seat and politely greeted Professor Vincent; and said, 'yes, we met before.'

Professor Vincent said, 'I can't remember, but you look familiar.'

Aira said, 'professor, we meet in London. You were the chief guest of the galaxy exhibition.'

He tried to remember, 'Yes, I remember, the moon girl.'

She smiled and said, 'Professor, do you still remember?'

'What was your name? I forgot,' Professor Vincent said.

She said, 'Aira.'

'Yes, Aira, I remembered, how could I forget the most inspiring painting in that event,' professor Vincent said.

She smiled.

Dilna and the class become surprised after hearing it. Everyone murmuring if she is that great why she is here.

Professor said, 'keep silent.' And he told Aira to see him after class.

Then the professor begins his class; he is the art teacher of them. He starts to teach about basic arts.

The bell rang, the professor stopped his class and said, 'we will begin practice classes after a week. And study what I teach you today, I will ask it in the next class. Aira comes with me.'

Aira stood up from her seat and walked with the professor. Professor asked, 'you got admission to Cambridge University in London? If I did not hear wrong.'

Aira said, 'yes, professor.'

'Then why are you here? That was the greatest opportunity, and a great way to achieve your dream; why did you waste it?' the professor asked.

Aira said to the professor, 'I need to find some answers. And I only get it from here.

If I study at Cambridge University, maybe I can achieve my dream. But that dream is incomplete. I can only achieve my complete dream from here because here is my happiness.'

Professor looked at her in surprise and said, 'okay, I don't understand what you mean by that. But, still, I'm happy to have you as my student; and do achieve your dream and be happy. Two weeks after, I'm going to conduct an exhibition here. I want your participation.'

Aira said, 'sure, professor, I will participate, it's great pleasure for me.'

They both reached the cabin of him; the professor said, 'sit, I will give you something.'

The professor took a small box from his drawer. And give it to Aira. Aira opened it and took it.

'It an antique drawing pen; professor, Is it you who brought it that day?' Aira said.



One year ago in London…

Professor Vincent was the chief guest of the galaxy exhibition held in London. And He is one of judge too. Lots of paintings were there for the participation. He is checking everything.

But suddenly, his eyes catch a painting. He stared at it for minutes. It's a painting about a girl who is trying to hide the moon with her hand. Looking at the painting, he finds meaning behind the painting. And he checked what the artist thought by reading the notes which are attached to it. He read it, the moon girl who is trying to hide the moon with her hand, but she can't hide it with its hand because it's so big she needs to grow up to hide the moon completely. Like moon girl, people need to grow up to achieve their dreams. So keep growing up.

The professor Vincent was very impressed with the painting, and the motivation from the painting is very inspiring.

The exhibition was about to end, and time to announce the winner, and the host announced the winner. The winner was the moon girl. Everyone gives a hand of applause to Moon girl. The host invites the artist behind the work, Moon girl. Aira walks towards the stage, and the professor gives her the winning award. The professor Vincent meets the moon girl, and he was very happy to meet such a creative mind.

After that event, the Professor Vincent went to the exhibition held near town. And he saw Aira there, and she is giving the award money to the charity. Professor Vincent was impressed after seeing that.

The professor followed her. She looked at every painting and wrote in the paper given besides the painting. The professor took it all and read it. She is writing her thoughts about the paintings and it's really implying the picture. Professor said in his mind she is very informative and she knows lots about paintings. The professor followed her.

He saw she was looking for a pen, and the price was high, so she put it there and went. The professor took that pen, and it was the antique pen, which was used by the former famous artist. The professor bought the pen and decided to give it to her as a present. He searches for her, but he doesn't find her.

End of flashback


'Professor, I came back to buy it but they said it sold out. I never thought it was you who brought it,' Aira said.

Professor said, 'you can have it.'

Aira said, 'no, professor, it's one of the last pieces you can take.'

Professor said, 'I bought it to give you a present; because I'm very impressed with your painting; but I didn't find you after that, so I kept it safe. it's a gift from me; Now it's yours.'

Aira said, 'thank you, professor, I'm very happy.'

Suddenly someone accidentally falls to the professor's room. She smiled shyly.

'Are you stalking us?' the professor asked, and helped her to stand up and he pitched her in the ear.

She said, 'Dad, stop, stop, it's hurt.'

Aira surprised and said, 'what Dad?'

Who is that?


Who is Professor Vincent's daughter?

Will Aira achieve her happiness and dream from here?

To find out, read the next chapter...


"Sometimes, we are eager to grow to achieve our dreams and happiness, but sometimes we don't want to grow."