The CEO Young man next door said, 'Angel, come with me, let's have lunch together.'

She looked at him in surprised eyes. And she points to herself and makes a facial expression, is Mr.CEO really asking me?

He said, come down within 2 minutes, and he walked.

She stared at him like what was wrong with Mr. CEO today.

He looked back and shouted, 'come fast, stupid, we are late for the meeting, clients are waiting.'

Suddenly, she realized it's not a lunch date, it's a meeting. She picks her bag and runs with her high heels. She was about to fall, but suddenly someone helped her. She turns back, the CEO stops for a moment. The man who helps Angel looked at her; and said, 'hey, it's you, zero girl.' Angel looked at her closely and asked, 'do we know each other.'

He smiled and said, 'you forgot me. Wow, Angel, you really forgot me.'

Angel looked at him and said, 'I don't remember.'

Suddenly the CEO said, 'Alan, why are you here.'

'Alan, I heard this name somewhere,' she surprisingly looked and said in shock, 'fat boy; your fat boy. My good. How you become handsome.'

Alan is the high school friend of Angel. They were in one gang. Everyone in the gang has a name; Alan was fat, and everyone called him the fat boy. Angel was so weak, so everyone called her zero girl.

Suddenly the CEO got a call, and he said, 'the meeting canceled.'

Alan said, 'Angel, then let's have lunch together.'

They ignore the CEO and walk beside each other, talking lots. The CEO walked behind them like a third wheel.

They didn't stop talking; they talk even while eating. The Mr.CEO just irritatingly eats his food. Alan asked, 'Angel, give me your WeChat; let's be in touch.' Angel gave him her WeChat and said, 'sure.' The CEO chocks after hearing that, but they didn't care about him. Angel said, 'let's take some selfie; I will post it on my Instagram.'

Alan said, 'sure.'

They start to take a selfie with a cute pose; Angel posted it on her Instagram with a question tag, "Guess who it is." Of course, she wants to show his EX boyfriend how happy she is.

The CEO looked at them and asked, 'do I'm air.' They two are not there; they went back long ago. The CEO becomes crazy; he is talking to himself while looking at Angel's Instagram post.

Is Mr.CEO really crazy?


Aira and Dilna took their food and went to the table near the window. And sat there then started to eat.


The whole canteen became silent…

Someone murmured, OMG, they are here. Let's not look at them.

Aira looks around; everyone stops eating and sits like scared and putting their head down. Dilna speaks incessantly, and others can hear it because the whole canteen is silent.

They come near Aira's table as they hear the sound. Aira looked at them with surprised eyes as she didn't know what was happening here.

Suddenly, someone put a hand on Dilna's shoulder. She turned around. She said by tapping his hand, hands-off man. She kicked his hand and stood up from her seat and about to shout at him but she saw the group of people behind them. She identifies one of them. It's their seniors.

One of the seniors said to Dilna, go and take food for all of us. She just obeyed because she heard lots about this group of senior's gang from her dad. They are the main headache of the college. Aira is about to go with Dilna, but the main leader of the gang senior said to her to sit there. She sat in the seat.

Dilna is walking looking back at Aira. The senior is continuously staring at Aira. The look he gave to Aira made her uncomfortable.

He asked her, 'what is your name?'

She said, 'Aira in a low voice.'

He said, 'cute name and he repeatedly said her name, Aira. That made Aira irritated.

And he continues to ask questions.

'Which department you are,' he asked

She replied, 'Arts.'

He said, 'so our opposite department.'

He said, 'you look damn cute in this white dress, I can't take my eye away from you.'

She didn't reply.

He asked, 'did all art girls look cute like you.'

She was irritated because of his flirting.

'All girls in the world are cute,' she said in a sharp voice.

He said, 'not more than you.'

Aira feeds up with this flirty senior.

She looked at Dilna; Dilna was standing in the queue. Dilna and Aira start to chat with their mind. Aira saying, to her help me, buddy. Dilna replying to her, I'm helpless, buddy. They two continue their mind chat.

Suddenly the senior touched her hand; she took her hand off from his hand and looked at him angrily.

The senior took his phone and asked, 'Aira, give your WeChat.'

She became blank for one minute. It is the first time someone asked her WeChat. She said in her mind, 'I even didn't give my WeChat to Lar, how come I give it to you.'

She replied, 'I won't give you my WeChat, I won't share it with anyone I don't know.'

The senior said, 'that for people you don't know. Now you know me, so give it like a good girl.' That sounds a little scary.

'I said, I will not, then I will not give,' Aira said confidently.

The seniors became angry and said, 'you're challenging me, then at any cost, I will make you give it to me.'

Aira said, 'let's see then.'

Aira became very confident in front of the seniors. But in her mind, she said, 'damn you what you did. You challenge the seniors. What's wrong with you. Aira, you were here to study peacefully. Why did you make your own life miserable?'

The senior about to grab Aira's hand, but he saw the professor, so he backed off.

The students in the canteen murmuring she is damn cool she rejected the senior. And some are silently laughing at him.

The senior stood up from the seat as he heard students murmuring. He shouted. Everyone in the canteen is silent; it's like pin-drop silence.

He became angry and pointed his finger at Aira and said, 'you have guts, just wait and see, how I'm going to make your life hell, you challenged the wrong person,' and he became irritated. And wend out from there as the first time someone rejected him.

Dilna came holding the food for the seniors, but the senior pushed her; she was about to fall, but the boy last bunch Mason helped her from falling. Both eyes met; Dilna felt something, and her face became red, and it made her blush. But unfortunately, the food all fell on her face. Everyone in the canteen laughed.

But Aira sits there as if she is dead.

What is going to happen with Aira?


Did Aira's miserable campus life start?

Will a new story between Mason and Dilna start?

What's wrong with the Mr.CEO young man next door?

Are you curious, read the next chapter…


"Sometimes we become crazy for no reason, and start to talk to ourselves."