Dilna came holding the food for the seniors, but the senior pushed her; she was about to fall, but the boy last bunch Mason helped her from falling. He grabbed her hand, and if he let go of her hand, she would fall down.

Both eyes met; Dilna felt something, and her face became red, and it made her blush. But unfortunately, the food all fell on her face. Everyone in the canteen laughed. Mason suddenly let go of her hand, and she fell to the ground.


'You devil, I will kill you,' Dilna said.

'You deserve it. It's for laughing at me,' Mason said and went from there.

The canteen becomes full of laughing sounds. She shouted. And screen AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH…

Aira was sitting like the dead. Dilna screams, 'what are you thinking, dumboo; help me get up.'

Aira didn't hear.

Dilna scream Airaaaaaaaaaaa…

Her screams filled the canteen. Suddenly Aira wakes up from her thoughts. And looked at Dilna and ran towards her and said, 'sorry, Dilna.' And she helped her get up. And both walked to the washroom. Aira helped Dilna to clean her face and dress.

Dilna said my face, my dress, AAAAAAHHHHH… how I face everyone, all laughed at me, my first day became a joke, I'm angry.

Aira said, 'my first day become hell; Aigo, what should I do; I made that senior angry and become the reason for all of it; sorry, Dilna, forgive me.'

Dilna said, 'don't feel sad about it; that damn senior is too much. You did correctly. I'm with you, don't worry. Don't say sorry to me; you're my buddy, but I'm angry because of that devil mason.'

Dilna screams again AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH…, that devil, I will kill him. How dare him.

AAAAAAAAHHHH. That brat, Mason you dead, I will take revenge you wait and see. I will make you ask sorry to me. AAAAAHHHHH… I will beat you death, you bitch…


Alan and Angel start to take a selfie with a cute pose; Angel posted it on her Instagram with a question tag, "Guess who it is." Of course, she wants to show his EX boyfriend how happy she is.

The CEO looked at them and asked, 'do I'm air.' They two are not there; they went back long ago. The CEO becomes crazy; he is talking to himself while looking at Angel's Instagram post.

The CEO went back to his cabin, and he stalked into Angel's cabin. Alan is still there. The CEO got up from his seat and walked to Angel's cabin and said, give me financial transactions held last year, within fifty minutes.

'Within fifty minutes,' Angel said, and Shockley looked at him.

The CEO said, 'you seem very free you can't do it? Or do I need to do myself? Then come sit in my chair.'

Angel said, 'Sorry, Sir, I will do it.'

The CEO said, 'and you, Alan, you were here to talk to me or talk to my personal secretary.'

Alan said, 'Haa, I forgot why I came. Angel, let's hangout after you got off.'

Angel said, 'sure.'

The CEO walked to his cabin, with that irritating face. He sat on the chair. Alan came to CEO'S cabin. The CEO is sitting like he got irritated, and his face full shows jealousy.

Alan sat on the chair and looked at the CEO and laughed.

The CEO asked what in a sharp voice.

Alan giggled and said, nothing and asked how aunty is, is she okay?

The CEO said, 'finally, you get time to ask about your aunty. I won't tell you; ask yourself.'

Alan said, 'then I will ask my own who need your help.'

Alan is the son of Layla's older brother. Alan's father and mother died in an accident, and Layla is taking care of him as her son. CEO and Alan were grown together. And both studied abroad together. They two are siblings with more friendly. Alan is the only friend of the arrogant CEO. Only he can handle his behavior. And Alan was handling another branch of Layla's entrepreneur co Ltd; it's a production company.

He smiled as teasing the CEO and said I will call her now.

As he said, he makes a video call to Layla. Alan said, 'hello, my beautiful lady; mission completed; I will share his face to you.' And he opens his back camera and shares the irritated face of the CEO with Layla.

Layla laughed out as it was the first time seeing her son's irritated face. And she said, 'I want to meet that girl who made my son irritated, she must be something special. Look, Len, how my son's face looks funny.'

Alan said, 'yes, my beautiful lady, I can't stop my laugh.'

He started to laugh loudly.

The CEO suddenly stood up from his seat, and kicked on Alan's head, and said, what, you planned against me; he took the phone from Alan.

The CEO said, 'nothing is going on; you got misunderstood; the girl I said to you is not her; she is just my personal secretary; it's not like what you thought, and you Alan, you planned behind me. I will see you later.'

Alan smiled when he heard that the girl the CEO loved was not Angel, and there was some joy in that smile because Alan's first love is Angel.

Layla said, 'whoever it is, I don't care. I want my son to be happy. I will accept anyone. Don't make me wait anymore; I want to see my grandchild as soon as possible. But this secretary, she is pretty good, she made my son jealous.'

The CEO said, 'who is jealous I'm not.' But his ear becomes red.

Alan murmured, of course, you're not, but your ear is. And Alan grabbed the phone from the CEO and showed his ear to Layla.

Layla said, 'Awww, my boy became jealous.'

The CEO said, 'stop it now. I'm not jealous. Stop trying to set me up with my personal secretary. I already said, mom, she is not the one.'

Alan asked, 'then what about this ear?'

He said to Alan stop it man.

The CEO took the phone and said, 'Mom, let's talk later; bye.' And he cut the phone.

He went to the washroom. He looked at his face in the mirror and examined his ears. Asked himself, 'Am I really jealous? What's wrong with me? This is natural?'

Is Mr. CEO really jealous?


Will Dilna succeed in taking revenge on Mason?

What is Aira going to do?

What exactly happened to the CEO? Is he really jealous?


"Sometimes we don't understand what's wrong with us, and we act like we are okay.