Wanti followed Santi, but she looked at Kmelia and said to Santi, 'San, I felt she had some reason, her face showing the pain.'

Santi said, 'whatever, I don't like her.'

Santi and Wanti sat in their seats, and Wanti looked back at Kmelia. Kmelia is writing something and putting her head down. She doesn't want to befriend anyone, and only she is friends with her books and pen.

She wrote a song and read it in her mind…



So every time my eyes went far,

I always see your smile.

But, the darkness of eyes,

The tears of sorrow, the pain of night,

The smile went so far.

I lost your smile in the middle of night.

I searched for it everywhere.

I looked at the sky, I felt it full dark.

I can't find that smile.

You were shining before.

Where did that smile gone,

Keeping me alone in the sadness of night.

I'm afraid here standing in the middle for night,

Without your shining smile.

I want that smile back,

To see the light of the world.

I know that smile won't come back.

I know can't see it again because,

You are the one that God makes away.


A drop of tears fell from her cheeks to the page of the book, and it made the words bluer. The pain came out, and the eyes started to fill with water; she closed the book suddenly. And lay down her head on the table and closed her eyes tightly. And said to herself, ' Kmelia, forget your past, and you won't live in it.'

What it's so painful?


Aira said with a bright smile, 'yes, Jazz; I love here lots; it really is heaven.'

Jazz smiled and said, 'Yes, it is; that why I miss this place a lot. I love this place. All my happiness was residing here. I was so happy here.'

Jazz said in her mind, 'I Miss Mic too.'

'Jazz, what brings you here?' Aira asked.

Jazz said, 'I'm going to live here, onwards.'

Aira asked, 'What? What about modeling? Are you going to give it up? Are you going to stay here? Did something happen in London? '

'Oho, how many questions at a time. Let me breathe first,' Jazz said.

Aira gave a naughty smile and said, 'then tell me why you shift here.'

Jazz silent for a second; she doesn't want to tell the truth that she decided to come back for Mic as she hears about Dr. Michael's and Rose's divorce. She came back to get back Mic, her first love. She is still madly in love with him.

Aira won't agree if she finds out about it as she still doesn't know they get divorced. Aira loves her Rose aunty very much, and she will try to get them back together, but Jazz doesn't want that. She waited a long time for this moment, and she doesn't want this opportunity to go. And she decided to give up on her career and everything for him. But fortunately, she got an offer as a spokesperson from a company in Seoul. So it's like a win-win.

Aira asked, 'what are you thinking? Jazz.'

Suddenly Jazz got up and said nothing, avoiding Aira's eyes. Aira felt something was going on.

'I got an offer from a company here, so I decided to come back. And I got bored in London without you; I miss you lots,' Jazz said and hugged Aira and tried to change the topic.

Aira said, 'I miss you lots, aunty.'

'Oh, don't call me Auntie; Look at me; If anyone sees us together, they will think, I am your sister, right?' Jazz said.

Aira naughtily smiled. Jazz laughed after seeing that.

Jazz said, 'so, I came to take you with me; move into my place.'

Aira looked at with confused eyes. She said, 'Jazz, I don't want to. I like the apartment lots. The people were all good. Besides, my friend was living next too, so she will be disappointed if I move out.

'So you are caring about your friend's feelings, not mine,' Jazz said with a sad face.

Aira becomes in a difficult situation. On the one side, she wants to live her life in the apartment like a free bird; on another side, she likes to live with her aunty.

She is struggling to make a decision.

Will Aira move with Jazz?


It's Angel, its Angel, everyone murmured. All the staff were secretly questioning Angel's sincerity. I can't believe this good face is such an evil. We all got blind in her acting. The staff started to discuss it.

Suddenly everyone becomes silent…

It's not her????



Before Angel leaves to call the CEO to the meeting room…

Angel was busy with her Laptop because the CEO asked her to prepare all the details about new contracts and some documents too.

She did it as fast as she could and finished her work and about to call the CEO for a meeting. She was struggling with holding all the files and Laptop.

Suddenly someone came to her cabin and told her that she would help bring the documents and laptop to the meeting room. Angel believed her, and gave her all the files and laptop, and thanked her, and went to call the CEO. But Angel forgot to turn off the laptop and did not log out of her email.

The person who offered to help used the opportunity, and she did something with Angel's laptop, and she took some photos of the documents and sent them to someone.

But all this was captured in the CCTV, which was placed secretly in the cabin by the manager.

End of flashback…


The video which played in the projector screen paused in the middle, and the light turned on.

Everyone was surprised and got up from their seats after seeing someone.

Angel got surprised and looked back and saw someone standing behind her…

Who was it?


Will Aira move out with Jazz?

If Aira finds out the exact reason behind Jazz come back, what is going to happen?

What was the dark past Kmelia had?

Who is the exact culprit? Is Angel in a safe zone?

Oho, did I burn curiosity? Please wait for the next chapter…


"Sometimes, God plays with us and makes our loved one away from us. And we can't find them because they have gone so far from us."


Hi my precious readers,

"THE ONE THAT GOD MAKES AWAY" is the song I wrote, it's the second song of that series. I'm not a songwriter, not good at it. Still I tried my best to give it the feeling. I tried to think like Aira, Kmelia and Angel and I felt their pains and came up with this lyrics. Hope you enjoy it.