'So you are caring about your friend's feelings, not mine,' Jazz said with a sad face.

Aira becomes in a difficult situation. On the one side, she wants to live her life in the apartment like a free bird; on another side, she likes to live with her aunty.

She is struggling to make a decision.

'Okay, I decided, 'Aira said,

'Your move in with me?' Jazz asked.

'No, I won't move in. I will continue to live in the apartment,' Aira said.

Jazz made a sad face.

Aira smiled and said, 'but, I will stay with you every weekend, and so I will crash there on holidays with you, and so we can enjoy it together.'

Jazz said, 'that's a deal; I will come tomorrow and pick you, Okay.'

Aira said with a smile, Okay, and smile now.

Jazz hugged her and smiled and said, my little princess.

Aira hugged her back too.

So I will get going now, lots to do today, I need to go to the company to sign the contract, and the house is not cleaned yet, I need to check that too, too must worry, Jazz said.

Aira said, 'oho, come on, Jazz; don't worry; I will help you move in; let's do it together tomorrow.'

Jazz said, 'aww, my little princess grew up.'

Aira gives a naughty smile.

'Okay, so I'm going, I'll pick you up tomorrow,' said Jazz, putting on her mask and sunglasses, and quickly walking over to her car, because she is a famous person and if anyone saw, then it will be big news the next day.

Jazz started her car, and Aira waved at her; she waved back and closed the car window and went from there.

Aira smiled, looked at the car, and went back to her class. Professor Steven's class finished, and she missed his class.

Aira sat on her seat. Dilna looked at her with curious eyes.

'Aishh, stop looking at me with that joker's eyes,' Aira teased Dilna.

'You, Lar's wife, I will kill you,' Dilna said.

Aira blushed after hearing that.

Dilna started to tease her, 'omoo, what I saw, did my eyes become red, and you blushed, hahaha.'

She screams, Aira blushed.

'You joker stop it; who blush, I didn't,' she said, and she became shy and put her head on the table.

Professor Vincent entered the class and started his class. He teaches them about different types of brushes and paints.

After one hour, his class was about to end, he said, 'so next day onwards we will start our practical class; so be ready with your canvas and talent.'

The class became happy after hearing that because everyone was waiting for this moment as they wanted to show their talent.

Suddenly Professor Steven comes to their class. And asked Professor Vincent for a minute.

Professor Vincent said, 'I finished my class, so carry on.'

Professor Steven said, 'thank you, professor.'

The professor Vincent tapped on Professor Steven and went to his cabin.

Professor Steven said, 'keep silent, so I'm coming to inform you that you don't have the class afternoon.'

The class becomes noisy with happiness and screams.

Professor Steven shouted, keep silent, and said, you can't go home.

The class becomes silent.

Professor Steven said, ' starting from this week, various fresher's day activity of the college starts; so I want everyone to take part in it, and win the competition. And our department is the winner for every year's activities we get the champion title. So, I hope we get it again this year. So I'm giving half-days for practicing.

Everyone looked at each other.

'Let's get the title champion together,' the professor said in a louder voice.

Everyone becomes silent.

The professor added, 'if you get the title champion, like every year, we will go for a trip.'

The class becomes noisy, and happiness spreads.

Professor again said, spreading his palm, ' let's get the title champion.'

Everyone stood from their seats and walked towards Professor Steven and took their hand on his hand one by one.

Dilna called Mason, ' come quick. '

Mason was sleeping. He didn't hear what Dilna said.

Dilna walks towards him, and strongly hits on his head and says, 'you devil mason, get up now.'

He woke up and looked with surprised eyes and asked, what was going on.

Dilna dragged him holding his hand. Mason looked at her; he saw her beautiful neck; it's so attractive. He never noticed it before.

'What are you waiting for; put your hand up,' said Dilna.

Mason quickly put his hand on Dilna's arm.

'One, two, three, we are the champions,' everyone said aloud and raised their hands.

Professor Steven said, 'so, I'm selecting representatives for the activity.'

'One is Aira, will head of all. Another is Dilna and Nancy will help Aira. And the last one is Roy and Mason, you two in charge of everything.' Professor said.

Suddenly the bell rings. It's already noon lunchtime.

'You five meet me after launch break. Okay, everything is clear. Thank you,' Professor Steven said, and he went to his cabin.

Everyone said, thank you, professor, and rushed to the canteen for their lunch.

Aira put her book on the bag and thought. Dilna and Mason waited for her to come.

'Hey, madam, you are not planning to eat,' Dilna asked.

Aira said, 'yeah, coming.'

They went to the canteen and took their food and sat in the same place near the glass window.

Suddenly the twins Santi and Wanti came, and Santi said, 'hey, my sweaty Dil, and my cutie pie Aira.'

Dilna said, 'come, sit here, my two noisy sisters.'

Santi and Wanti are the two cousins of Dilna. They two are the daughters of Dilna's uncle, professor Vincent's younger brother.

Santi and Wanti always fight each other to sit near Aira. These two like Aira lots.

They two play hand games to decide who sits near Aira.

Rock paper scissor Dilna said, and both showed their hand.

'This time Wanti wins,' Dilna said.

Wanti showed paper, and Santi showed rock.

Wanti showed her tongue to Santi and sat near Aira.

'Let's see next time,' Santi said.

Santi about to sat on the opposite seat and said, 'here comes the mean person.'

Wanti, Aira, and Dilna look back, and Mason was enjoying his food as he doesn't care about what Santi said.

It's Kmelia; she took her food and sat on the opposite table of them.

Wanti said, 'don't say like that, Santi, she is not mean, maybe she has some reason.'

Aira looked at Kmelia and said to herself, 'why did I feel this face is familiar? Did I see her somewhere?'

Does Aira know Kmelia?

Is there any hidden story we don't know?


"Sometimes, we may feel familiar with someone familiar. We saw them somewhere; maybe we forget where or maybe we don't want to remember."