Blue..!  Blue " Saiph was looking for blue all around the house.

" Bliss is coming over!" blue said in an annoyed tone . Saiph smiled, came close and put his hand on Blue's shoulder ." Yes "

" she can cook dinner for you tonight "

" Dear Blue !  That would be inappropriate, don't you think? " Saiph smiled at him, but that didn't effect blue .

" wouldn't be the only inappropriate thing happening here "

" what is it that you find so.. Inappropriate? "

" her "

" hmm? "

" either take her seriously, or don't at all. You are being too careless "

" I am tired of being careful"

" Saiph, stop and turn back, or be be responsible and careful with your friendship "

" I've come too far "

" don't tell me you regret it "

" I don't , "

" may it remain that way "

" OK. Now are you satisfied? "

" No, I feel like she thinks I am untrue to you "

" that's you both have in common " he laughed.

" she is too clever "

" isn't that good? "

" good things are most dangerous when not in favor "

" now don't make me afraid of the only thing I am unafraid of "

" not being afraid, doesn't mean let  all your guards down and be vulnerable "

" Blue , I guess I like the feeling of being vulnerable and still not being attacked "

Blue felt an extreme pity for Saiph. Of course, holding power is intoxicating  ,the strength that no-one can harm you . Opposite is also true, being too powerless,  that no-one need to harm you.

It's was a pity, that a person is too tired of taking responsibility for his own life, and longs for escape from his own power.

But Blue feared at the same time. Saiph was in a strange position . He held power and still wanted to be vulnerable. It was dangerous.


" hey Bliss! " Blue greeted her.

" hello " she entered.

" oh,  totally forgot ! "

" so you didn't forget to forget something "

" huh ! Totally forgot to make dinner "

" how fortunate,  I am not here to eat "

" yet you still keep consuming everything "

" well , when the time is right

Day consumes the night " she sang Saiph's song and laughed. Saiph showed up in the living, comming out of his room, drying his hands with towel.

"Saiph let's go for a stroll " she suggested .

"hey. Why? " he asked unconcerned.

" because... why not ?" Blue answered.

Saiph looked at both of them , who were using him as a medium to express their rivalry to each other. He was a third person victim.

He innocently put on his sneakers, and as a kid who acts obedient to please his parents ,he obeyed them.


" do you remember something going on in those days ?"

" like something serious?  No. "

" yeah like something negative. Toxic. Aggressive...

" no "

" Bad,.Wrong. Compititive ...

"no, no ,nothing happened "

" let me finish "

" do  "

" like scandal. Fight. Unusual.. . Why are you laughing ?"

" your explanations are hilarious  " he giggled.

" like a trauma? " she looked at him.

" no " he said warmly.

And she knew what it meant,  she heard a clear "yes" , by his eyes, by his voice, she saw approval in his denial. Not that he was a bad liar, just that he was not a liar. She gathered her thoughts and observation.

Something traumatic , perhaps grieving , around the days of Damien's first publication. Something happened around Valentine's Day, .

Saiph was in graveyard on 14 Feb, easy to think that someone died. A rough sketch could be :

Damien  published his first work on the day Saiph lost someone.

And Damien knows this, which makes him related to Saiph very closely.

But still it's confusing.

Saiph lost someone, Damien knew, and what he did was write against Saiph !?

the cause of Damien being against Saiph is death of this person? 

Is Saiph responsible for the death and Damien is hurt and broken from this fact?

She needed to visit the graveyard , find the grave with death date of 14 Feb, if the year is 2014 then it's no coincidence that Damien appeared on the exact same day. The cause of everything is the person who died.

" You are done with questions? " he made her attend to the present moment.

" your answers are useless anyway "

" I try my best to make them meaningful ", they were walking on the road side, Bliss stopped because her thoughts feared him.

" Saiph. Are you playing with me?  " her eyes looking unfamiliar with the person she made friend with.

" sorry, I can't find a meaningful an answer to this " he thought she was joking unless he turned back and saw her pale face, doubtful but serious.

" is something wrong? "

" you KNOW who Damien is. There is no way you don't. " she stressed her point.

Saiph shook his head and kept walking , disturbed by what she said.

She hurried  to catch up with him.

" So do you have a girlfriend? " she attempted to be normal again.

" yes, maybe " he aided to make things not awkward.

" do you have a sincere girl, that you know from a long time , not just for a night? " she had a feeling that the person who died could be his girlfriend and Damien is related to that girl , maybe her lover.

" I don't HAVE someone, I am not keeping a girl " he found the question too absurd.

" you.. You don't understand.."

" no I don't " he didn't take a moment to admit.

" what I meant was, have you ever fallen in love? "

" I don't understand " he looked at her .

" what do you not understand? " she was confused.

"Love. And falling. In love " , he said in pieces.

" what about it? " she couldn't grasp his statement.

" It. "

"oo... K .ok what? "

" what? "

" I don't know what you are saying "

" that's what I am saying "

" you are good at wordplay ,but it's stressing"

" isn't love just wordplay? "

" love is beyond words "

" words have infinity "

" at this level " , she poked his head.

" at human level ? "

" it is said that, following your heart could mean loosing your mind "

" you mean, following your spirit could mean loosing your human self?

" and in this way you don't loose it even after loosing it " she continued his words

" I got one and I got it all " , he quoted his own song.

" you are an artist , that's what you do. Contain things in words."

" so you mean I wouldn't understand anything beyond words ? "

" only  this way you will "

" you contradict yourself! "

" No. When you are unable to capture something in words, that will be love"

" never happened! "

" never loved " she then realized what a terrible thing she has said. She was embarrassed, but Saiph's didn't dragged it. He just became quite.