Excruciating realities of being in love

Tang Wei Sheng woke up from his sleep due to the continuous ringing of his cell phone. Yesterday he went partying with Ye Wu Fan and came back late at night.

Tang Wei Sheng took the cell phone and checked.

There were 30 missed calls from Yang Xiong.

"Why is he calling me early in the morning?" Tang Wei Sheng who was still in slumber dialled his assistant's number.

"Young master, thank god, you finally took the call. I am right outside your condo. I am coming inside." Yang Xiong said it in a breath.


Tang Wei Sheng rose from his bed and walked towards the washroom.

When he came back after a shower, Yang Xiong has already served him breakfast.

"What happened?" Tang Wei Sheng asked while fixing his cufflinks.

"Boss, please have your breakfast." Yang Xiong looked at his boss with perturbed eyes.

Tang Wei Sheng sat across the table and tasted the congee served for him.

"What happened assistant Yang?" Tang Wei Sheng asked him.

"There was a tabloid news yesterday, about you and Miss Ning."

"Hmm." Tang Wei Sheng hummed and continued to have his breakfast.

Yang Xiong hesitated for a moment. "They even uploaded a photo."

"And," Tang Wei Sheng was surprisingly calm about the news.

"I asked the PR team to take necessary actions, but things are turning messy minute by minute." Yang Xiong reported.

"People are saying that both of you are dating; they are even uploading several proofs."

"Proofs, what is there to present as proof?" Tang Wei Sheng was surprised. He may have attended a few parties were Ning Jing was also a guest. But he never had a proper conversation with her.

Then what are these so-called proofs?

"Both, you and Miss Ning went to the same university and both of you have several mutual friends. So," Yang Xiong stopped for a moment.

"These scandals are part of celebrity life, Assistant Yang. We don't have to worry about that," Tang Wei Sheng tried to mollify Yang Xiong's anxiety.

"But it is not as simple as it seems." Yang Xiong fixed his glasses and said in a firm tone.

"The meeting between Miss Ning and you was something like an arranged matchmaking date for you two."

"What?" Tang Wei Sheng had a sudden change of expression.

"How come it is a matchmaking date? All we spoke was about the lost kingdom."

"Both of your families know each other for a while and they intended for an alliance." Yang Xiong replied.

"What the hell?" There was a sudden emergence of anger in Tang Wei Sheng. His face, his eyes started to show resentment. He clearly disliked matchmaking.

"Who arranged all these?"

"Wei Sheng," Yang Xiong called his first name in an anxious tone. Yang Xiong has always noticed that calling his first name always helped Tang Wei Sheng to keep his anger in check.

"Who arranged the meeting?" Tang Wei Sheng placed the spoon into the bowl with a clanging sound.

"It was the Chairman who arranged the meeting."

"Grandpa!" He uttered in dismay.

"Get my car ready." Tang Wei Sheng ordered and got up from the dining table with the dishes.

Yang Xiong looked at Tang Wei Sheng for a moment with concern and took the car keys and dashed towards the basement.

While waiting at the entrance of the Condominium, Yang Xiong messaged the Chief manager in the office.

"Boss is having a bad day, please make sure to avoid making any mistakes."

Tang Wei Sheng with a brooding face approached the car within a few minutes.

"Let me drive,"

Yang Xiong immediately got down from the car and moved towards the passenger seat.

Tang Wei Sheng started the car and accelerated it into maximum.

Yang Xiong was getting worried. Tang Wei Sheng rarely gets angry, but if he crosses the emotional barrier of anger management- then it is over. No one can predict the outcomes.

"Wei Sheng, Yang Xiong tried to explain, what if it was a lunch date? It was just a"

Yang Xiong stopped his conversation when he came across with Tang Wei Sheng's murderous glare.

Yang Xiong gulped the words he was about to speak.

Okay, Things are about to get ugly.

Tang Wei Sheng indeed appeared cheerful always, but the moment his vulnerable self is provoked, he will change into an enraged beast.

What if Li Juan sees the news?

Tang Wei Sheng suddenly applied the brakes and his car stopped with screech sound.

He took his mobile and tried to call Li Juan. her number was still unavailable.

He tried a few more times and threw away the phone into the dashboard.

Li Juan went to the village which is far away from the Jing city and internet or phone networks are still not good in those distant villages.

So the chances of Li Juan seeing the rumours are comparatively less. He can manage to get rid of these scandals before Li Juan returns to Jing city.

Tang Wei Sheng took a deep breath and restarted the car.

Tang Wei Sheng reached Tang mansion within 20 minutes. Tang Yi was waiting for his arrival.

"Do you have any idea about what you've done?" Tang Yi asked Tang Wei Sheng as soon as he entered into the mansion.

"Honey, what are you doing? He just arrived, let him give a moment." Wang Fang told her husband.

"Wei Sheng, are you dating that girl from Ning family?" Tang Yi ignored his wife's words and asked.

"It was just an official meeting. I don't even know her."

"But that news," Wang Fang tried to remember the news appeared on the internet.

"Do you believe my words or some faceless people typing on the internet?"

Tang Wei Sheng was a little bit annoyed by his parent's reactions. "And I don't care about others say."

"You may not care about it, but the investors and the board members are not blind. Do you think they will leave it unnoticed?" Tang Yi asked with a stern face.

"I have a PR team." Tang Wei Sheng refuted back.

"Of course, you have a PR Team, you can take down the tabloids circulated on the internet. What about the people?"

"Are you concerned about the board members or your son?" Tang Wei Sheng asked with a sneer.

"Wei Sheng, we believe you, you don't care about these scandals, but what about that girl? How it is going to affect her life? Have you thought about it?" Wang Fang tried to point out the aftermath of the scandal.

The people who circulate rumours about others never cared about its effect and trauma leaves on the victims.

Have we ever thought about the baseless rumours and relationship scandals of celebrities and how it affected their future life?

"Chairman Ning called earlier to discuss about his granddaughter." Wang Fang said to her son in a calm voice.

"They are interested in an alliance." Tang Yi informed him

"I am not interested." Tang Wei Sheng replied nonchalantly.

"Why?" Tang Yi looked at Tang Wei Sheng's eyes.

The look in his eyes appeared different and somewhat apprehensive.

"Excuse me, master," a maid entered into the living room and informed them. "Sorry to interrupt, the eldest master is asking for the young master."

Tang Wei Sheng stood up from his seat without a word and walked towards his grandpa's room.

Tang Fei was in the study room looking through some old books. Tang Wei Sheng stood near the large bookshelf without uttering a single word.

After a minute Tang Fei closed the book which he has been reading and signalled Tang Wei Sheng to sit.

Tang Wei Sheng sat opposite to him.

Tang Fei observed his grandson for a moment.

"I guess you have something to tell me?"

"Grandpa, you are the only person who knew that the meeting between Ning Jing and me was strictly official. I met her because of the research and apart from that there is nothing between us." Tang Wei Sheng justified his part.

"And what is the alliance which dad is talking?"

"It is true that Chairman Ning, is interested to make you as their son-in-law, and even I am impressed by Miss Ning," Tang Fei shared his opinion.

"Grandpa, I am not interested in this alliance." Tang Wei Sheng took a deep breath. "I have someone whom I like."

"Who?" Tang Fei was calm and collected as if he has already expected this. "Is it that girl from your school?"

"Hmm, I want to marry her." Tang Wei Sheng opened up about his intentions to marry Li Juan.

"Do you think your dad is going to agree with this?" Tang Fei looked at the determined man sitting across him.

"No." His answer was short and clear.

"Then, what are you planning to do?"

Tang Wei Sheng was silent for a moment.

"Wei Sheng, it is okay to have a crush on someone. But when it comes to marriage and other matters you must think twice before making a decision. As the young master of Tang Corporation, your decisions affect the whole family and the corporation you run." Tang Fei reminded his grandson.

Tang Wei Sheng remained silent. He already knew that it is not going to be an easy task to get permission to marry Li Juan.

"None of us stopped you from having a girlfriend. But you are well aware of the fact that your girlfriend should be qualified to become the daughter in law of this household." Tang Fei looked at his grandson with a stern expression.

"And Miss Ning is the best candidate for that."

"But I love Li Juan and I am happy to be with her." Tang Wei Sheng was determined.

"Why I should be bothered about the status and qualifications of my girlfriend? I love her and I wanted to give her a better life."

"Wei Sheng, remember, you are not the only person who wishes to sit in that CEO position." Tang Fei prompted the realities.

"Clinging on to a girl with no name will bring you down from your position in the corporation.

In this society, a man without none's support is considered weak. Even if you are king; you need supporters to continue your reign.

Let's forget the shares and business for a moment. Do you think that it is fair for that girl?" Tang Fei waited for a moment.

"You may think that you are providing a better life for a poor girl. But take a moment to think it from her side.

Do you think that everyone is going to treat her nicely?

Do you think that she is going to be respected in front of everyone? Have you ever heard of a term called a gold digger?"

Grandpa, Tang Wei Sheng stopped his grandfather with a displeased voice.

He doesn't want anyone to call Li Juan a gold digger.

Li Juan said it to him, that she is afraid of people treating her as a gold-digger.

"Think about it Wei Sheng, even if she becomes daughter in law of Tang family, does she ever become immune to other's criticisms?

Why do you want to ruin a poor girl's happiness?"

Tang Fei's questions pushed Tang Wei Sheng into the pit of excruciating realities of being in love.

Tang Wei Sheng clearly remembered Li Juan's words.

She said that all she wants is a peaceful life. She doesn't want to be in a chaotic family.

"Can you keep her happy and content for her entire life? Tang Fei asked Tang Wei Sheng.

Grandpa is proud that my Sheng is different from other men who trifle with the feelings of women." Tang Fei looked at his grandson with love and compassion.

"Apart from that issue in school, you have never created a problem for us or ruined our family's name. You always have been a good kid.

Grandpa doesn't want to hear anyone saying that my sheng made a mistake."

Tang Fei observed his grandson who is lost in thoughts.

"But as you said, it is your life and the final decision will be yours.

I hope you will think wisely." Tang Fei concluded his words.

"And I urge you to meet Miss Ning and clear the misunderstandings. As for the marriage proposal, let me talk to your father."

"Hmm." Tang Wei Sheng stood up from the seat and walked outside.

Tang Yi was still in the living room without any worries.

But Wang Fang, on the other hand, was worried about the outcomes of Tang Wei Sheng's conversation with his grandfather. Whenever there is an argument between her husband and son, Tang Fei has always supported his grandson than his own son.

"Grandpa wants to talk to you dad." Tang Wei Sheng informed.

Tang Yi avoided his son and walked towards the study room.

"Mom, I am leaving." Tang Wei Sheng doesn't want to stay any longer.

"Have breakfast and leave," Wang Fang suggested.

"No, ma, I need to go."

Wang Fang didn't compel her son, she let him go.

Tang Yi went to the study room and saw a worrisome Tang Fei.

"What did he say, father? Is he still clinging upon that girl?" Tang Yi could assume Tang Wei Sheng's response.

"He is way more adamant than we thought." Tang Fei was curious, "Is she that remarkable?"

"I don't know why he is going after that girl; I thought he will change when he spends some time in abroad." Tang Yi was furious.

"We should have finished her seven years ago."

"Did you get any information about that girl?" Tang Fei asked him.

"No, they couldn't find her body. She fell into the river when there was a heavy flow and they said that it is impossible to survive the river flow."

Tang Yi shared the details about Li Juan's missing from Xi city.

"Don't believe anything unless you see her dead body by your own eyes." Tang Fei sniggered.

"That girl got weird luck of escaping from death.

She survived every attempt of ours to broke them apart and she still loves him.

Let's wait for the confirmation from Red Dragon and we will decide further.

I believe Wei Sheng is still unaware of her missing."

"Hmm, he thinks that she is with her neighbours family, celebrating the new year." Tang Yi's words were vicious.

"We must act accordingly. Keeping Ning family at our bay is the best thing we can do." Tang Fei reminded his son.

"Don't let the opportunity to slip from your hands."

"Yes, father, I will take care of it." Tang Yi assured him.

At the same time, Tang Wei Sheng was in his car deeply lost in thoughts.

"Young master, are you alright?" Yang Xiong looked at Tang Wei Sheng's anxious face. It was rare to find Tang Wei Sheng lost in thoughts. For the last three weeks, there have been several changes in Tang Wei Sheng.

His mood swings were getting more obvious and frequent.

"Assistant Yang, schedule a meeting with Ning Jing." Tang Wei Sheng suddenly ordered.

"Yes, boss."

"Did they take down the articles from social networking sites?"

"Yes, boss. Are you alright?" Yang Xiong couldn't help but not to ask.

"I am planning to move in with Li Juan." Tang Wei Sheng said with a strong determination.

"What!" Yang Xiong was dumbfounded.

"Once she returns to Jing city, we are planning to move together to the sky castle." Tang Wei Sheng nonchalantly said.

He cannot afford to lose her once again.

Tang Wei Sheng has decided it.

Tang mansion's doors will be closed for Li Juan, an orphan girl.

But the doors will be, must be opened for Li Juan, who bears Tang Wei Sheng's child.

Is there anyone who is stone-hearted enough to reject a child born in their own bloodline?